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Friday, January 21, 2011

the totally official results show!

welcome, ladies and dudes, to a super mega awesome multi-media event!  it's what you've all been waitin' on pins 'n needles for...it's the totally official results show for my new header picture!!!
because thingies are always uber professional here at my bloggie, i put together a way talented team of nerdy math geniuses to tally your votes.  okay, it was really my mama and asa, but at least they have the nerdy part down.  bwuahaha.
anywho, i won't make you stifle your suspenses any longer!  here we go!  in third place, with 6 votes, we have....


in second place, with 23 votes, we have...


and finally, in first place, with 25 votes, we have...


that means picture C is the big winner!!!  woooohooooo!!!  
now don't get your little selves all in a bunch if you didn't vote for picture C.  in case you missed it, the OP pack had this really grrreat idea that i should use all three pictures!  they suggested i use the snowy pic now while it's all wintery, and then the snuggle pic next, and then the waterfall pic when it starts gettin' springish outside.  well, i totally dig that idea, so that's what i'm gonna do!  thankies, OP pack!!
also a big thankies to all of you who participated and made this such an exciting like event!  guess what!  you are all grand prize winners, and so you've won...

A BRAND NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Whooooooooie!!! A Brand NEW CAR!

Holy Gwalk A MOLEY!!! Scuse me... I gotta go to the Carpet... so I can FAINT!

Anonymous said...

A brand new car???!!!! Do we all have to share it? Who gets it on what day? I don't have a license to drive. You might have to come pick me up, okay?

Anywho, I feel like I won something even bigger than a new car. Cuz I gets the chance to see ALL those Most Handsome pictures of you in your header at some point, and that makes me wiggly all over. That OP Pack sure is smart. (But secretly, I'm glad the one I voted for technically won. Heehee!)

Wiggles & Wags,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow - we love that red car - just hand over the keys and we are off:)

Glad you liked our idea - now we need to get our holiday photo off our blog too - but we do have one waiting to appear.

Mom usually has treats whenever she wants pics, but yesterday when we were all outside, she didn't have any for us. Ciara was really tired of waiting for her reward. We all got some once we went inside.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

jen said...

Yay!! I think the idea to roatate the pics is a good one and OMG thanks for our awesome prize:)

houndstooth said...

Woooooooooooooooo! A new car! I want one in pink!

I think the OP Pack's idea is a great one!


Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

YES, I new car... JUST FOR ME!!
Furry thanks Booker Man :)

We thinks all the pictures were oh so pretty, and we are glad to hear you will use them all!


Emma Rose said...

I've been gone for awhile and didn't get to vote. Looks like I missed out on a SUPER grand prize!!!

Emma Rose

sprinkles said...



I'm EXCITED, can you tell?! lol

They're all great pix so I'm glad you're going to use them.

Sagira said...

How cute. The OP Pack is so smart! :)

the teacher's pets said...

Wow! I am sooo glad I voted because my mom could use a new car instead of her uncomfortable Geo Tracker! So when should I come by for the keys? And are you, Booker, going to ride with me to my house?
I love the OP pack's idea to use all 3 pictures b/c they are all grrreat!

KB said...

The OP Pack is the smartest pack around! Great idea!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yay for the OP Pack! We sorta copied them in the voting, so we're glad you'll use all the pictures. Win-win-win!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & bella

Diana Chiew said...

Thanks for the grand prize...that's really GRAND! We would like to donate it as it is no good for us...we can't go out together in that car, there's just not enough room for all seven of us!

Lorenza said...

The OP Pack is right!
You can use all of them!
Aaaand that red car is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

The Daily Pip said...

A new CAR!! Oh, Booker this is great because our car is about 87 years old and about to kick the bucket. Thanks so much! You are almost as generous as Oprah!

Your pal, Pip

Ann said...

Whoa, Booker thanks for the great prize. I have really short legs though so driving is a little tough for me so I think I'll have my mom pick it up. Besides I prefer to sit in the passenger seat and hang my head out the window. Oh wait that's a convertible so I can just sit back and feel the wind through my furs.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

if ONLY!!

I do hope you'll use one of you and Asa once and a while... I adore you both but her eyes... they tear at my heart!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Stumpy is going to look great in that convertable! Red is her color!

Wyatt said...

OMD, how did I miss out on that! I would have looked so pawesome with my head hanging out of that car. I could get a lot of girl dogs, riding around in that car!! Bow Wow!!


Scooter said...

GREAT!! I will love driving that new car Arroo....


Teddy Bear said...

That is a great prize!:)

Teddy Bear

Doris Sturm said...

You look handsome in ALL pictures, Booker man :-)

Gizzy and his mom!

Unknown said...

A brand new red car is cool!!! Where is the key and when will it be delivered here??? Thanks for your generosity and we love it to bits!
The OP Pack is so clever!

bichonpawz said...

WooHoo! That car is awesome!!! We will have so much fun!!! Thank you so much...when will you be delivering it??? We want to MEET YOU!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We're so sorry we missed the voting! We think the solution you adopted is perfect. Nice prize!

Jed & Abby

K9 Katastrophie said...

The Op Pack had a great idea! Thanks for the new car. I am going to take Asa for a spin in it!


Anonymous said...

Oh I totally agree with the OP pack I think that their idea is Great!

A new car, how did you know that my fovorite color is red?

What a guy, what a guy!

woo woos, Tessa

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

How DID we miss this fantastic event!!! Well, we do like the results!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Mack said...

I LUV cherry red too!! I just hope it's got really long pedals!

PS: We love your theme music!

Kristin G. said...

Darn it!! I'm so bummed I missed the voting. The car looks awesome, and so do your photos! I probably would have had trouble choosing, so the idea to use all three is perfect! Have a great weekend Booker Man!

Zona said...

YAY!! I think getting to see ALL of the pictures is the bestest idea!

A new car!!!! I have really long legs so if it doesn't have long pedals, I'll volunteer to drive Mack around!


Scooter said...

Hey The Booker Man!
Wow, my peeps and everyone else tells me I look great in red!!! We can do some super-duper zoomies now!!
Grr and a Vrooom, Fast Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥ Sallie said...

How big is the car? Will it fit in Alien's spaceship? :)


rottrover said...

Booker Man, we love the car!! Too bad Mom won't fit! HEHEHEHEHEHE!

Have a fun weekend, and kiss Miss Asa for us!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Anonymous said...

BOL! Dude, I'd get soooo many tickets with that car. ;)

Great headers all! :D

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

YOOOOHOOOOHOOOO! Our pic won!!!!Our pic won!!!!

You know how we love that pic. We even dream of u that way...tee heee:)

Now, for more impawtant things....
Mummy is reeeellly excited we won that handsome red car. Actually we might be selling off our car here before we move to Delhi, so if possible we would like to use our share of days during those days when we will be carless till we get a new one.

But then , are u by any chance giving away ONE CAR EACH to each blog pal??

WoWWWIE! that will be PAWSOME!!
Please let us know so we can mail u the address to which u can send our prize...can't wait!!

Postage will be paid by the addresee, Mummy wants u to know! Tee hee hee:)

wags, Gin, Bud n Shadow

Anonymous said...

Red is my color! I am looking forward to my new car, tee hee!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How pawesome!

I know The OP KS Pakhk will look pawesome in that khool khar!


Hoke said...

I didn't vote but i will say that we love all your pictures!!!

Road Dog Tales said...

We love all the choices! We are just now sloooowly getting back into the swing of things and visiting efurryone. Sorry we missed voting, but looks like you came up with a perfect solution!

The Road Dogs

Scooter said...

question?? I sent a pic in your christmas card, did you hang it on your friend wall??


BRUTUS said...

They were all winners as far as we were concerned. No such thing as a bad photo if your handsome face is in it!!

Brutus the Frenchie

24 Paws of Love said...

We won a brand new car? O_M_G!!! Well this is just the best day ever because I have an award for you on our blog!! And after that great prize, you deserve it!!


booahboo said...

a car a car for us???? WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. yahoooooooooooooo.. fedex to us ya! we'll be waitingggggggggggggggggggggg... we'll even take it for a wild spin and goes picks you and Asa up later when its here ya!

woofs n licks,