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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

announcin' my 100th post pawty contest winner!!

it's finally time to pick the winner of my 100th post pawty contest!  woohoooooo!  i put the names of everybuddy who came to my pawty in my special baggie and picked out a winner.  ya'll can watch my video to find out who the lucky ducky winner is!
(oh, and in case you think me 'n asa were totally not full of the excitements, you can blame mama!  she decided to film this video at like o'dark thirty, a.k.a. -- just after midnight.  clearly, me 'n asa are way super pooped after a full day of workin' hard, but i promise that we were hootin' and hollerin' on the inside.  teehee.)

super hooge gratsers to oskar on his win!!  pretty please send me a bark mail at iamthebookerman AT gmail DOT com so we can have a little convo about your surprise pressie!


Unknown said...

Congrats oskar!!! Woo hooo

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Oskar!!!

Poor thing, your mom made you two work until so late at night. No wonder both of you look so tired... but cool and calm too.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Congrats to Oskar!

And oh that was mean of your mom to wait til the middle of the night to have you pick the names - you must have been so tired! But you still did a good job, and well, we would have just gone back to sleep so we are impressed that you stayed awake!

Golden Samantha said...

Oskar - congrats! And congrats to you all on your 100th post! We've been on vacay and missed the pawty - so sorries! Sounds like it was a fun celebration - but looks like you're all pooped out from pawtying too much heheh!
Big Hugs xoxoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Yay fur Oskar! It was a fun 100th post pawty fur sure!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

booahboo said...

YAY!!!!!!!! congrats to Oskar!

urmm... Booker... your mama is a torturer... *BOL* You guys look so tired.. and droopy eyed. But you did good my dear man.. you did good :)

i just ate up all the papers the last time we did a draw...

woofs & licks,

Anonymous said...

YAY! Congratulations to Oskar! He's super duper wonderful! And gosh! Your momma made you do that at MIDNIGHT!? At my house, we've all been in bed for like 17 hours by then. (Cuz my pawrents are nearly ANCIENT!)

Wiggles & Wags,

jen said...

Congrats Oskar!!!

Unknown said...

BOL at hootin and hollarin on da inside!! Booker, you crack me ups!

Oh, and congrats to Oskar!


rottrover said...

YAY for Oakar!! and Booker and Asa, we sure hope you get to rest today!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my dogs looks like Booker and Asa are camera shy. MOL That was a darling video they are certainly well behaved.

Congrats to Oskar!!
Madi and Mom

Piappies World said...

Congratulations, Oskar!!!

Happy Happy 100th post Booker! You've done well. We also enjoy reading about Asa. Our apologies for the delay of our greeting as you are already on your 105th post! Sometimes, piappies mom takes us to visit and read bloggies late at night that she forgets whether she had pressed the publish button before heading to the next. Silly mom!

We look forward to many more of your fun posts!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

houndstooth said...

Congrats to Oskar and to you two again!

Bwaaa ha ha! I love how excited your mom is and the expressions on your faces!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sometimes you just have to humour them.....it's the quickest way to bed.

Congrats to Oskar.

AND Booker, you did a great job of choosing. We'd never be able to do that!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...
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♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats to Oskar - great job, Booker. Now maybe you need to see how mom would react if you woke her up in the middle of the night to pick up a piece of paper:)
Congrats again on #300!!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ann said...

congrats to oskar. I hope you and Asa got to sleep in late this morning Booker

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Night of The Living Dead???

Khongrats to Oskar!


Unknown said...

u did a very good job of picking out the winner there...very quick and decisive:)
congrats to Oskar:)

yeah...we totally understand about the sleepy drooping eyelids thingy.
mummy reads so late into the night even the owls go off to sleep!she realises only when we remind her that her light is disturbing us.
hope u got to sleep in the next day:)

wags, buddy n ginger

Sagira said...

Great job picking Booker! Way to go Oskar! :)

Oskar said...

Holy cow, thats ME!! I'm so very excited. We will send you an e-mail right now!!!

The Daily Pip said...

Congrats Oskar!! That was a most exciting drawing - I had the chills just watching!!

Your pal, Pip

sprinkles said...

For some reason, the video won't load. It's just a white square. I've refreshed but it didn't help. I'm come back to it another time because I wouldn't want to miss out on seeing you, Booker Man and Asa!

Congratulations, Oskar!!!

sprinkles said...

Yay, I got it to load! Y'all look all super fulls of excitements! bol

There is NO way I could have my dogs pick a winner like that. Shiver would eat all the papers!

Diana Chiew said...

Hahahaha...your mama's funny, Bookerman! Sorry, we can't help laughing at the video. She seemed to be the one doing all the hard work while the two of you were showing her those "we are tired and sleepy" looks in your faces! Congrats to Oskar.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

That was just precious!!!!

Booker / Asa - I hopes your mama let you have a good long nap after all that work!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Booker! I'm so SO very much excited that you might be helping to gets Miss Stormy to her furever home! Please thank your momma for me, okay? I think all of you are extra, extra special!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. Be sure and check on my bloggie tomorrow, okay?

Lorenza said...

Good job, Booker!
Congratulations to Oskar!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Whoa! Congratulations Oskar
Benny & Lily

Inky and Molly said...

We clearly missed that one but congrats to Oskar!
We hope you'll get to catch up on sleeps.

Ruby and Penny said...

Congrats to Oskar!
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we saw the heart you gave Mayzie. You are too sweet Booker.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Congratulations to Oskar!!!

dose 'dat makes hims an Oskar mayer wiener?? hee hees!!

Josie Posie & TriXie Pixie

Unknown said...

yeah Booker, we watch movies ALL the time,usually late at night because mum n dad can both be free only then.
there is a BIG issue about the choicec though. Dad likes stuff like Ironman and mummy likes mushy,romantic stories!!usually they settle for war movies and we probably disturb all the neighbours with the racket they create.
but no complains have come in yet!!!
tee hee heeee,
wags, bud n gin

1000 Goldens said...

You two are like a couple of saints, my Momma is so impressed! P.S. Your Mom is adorable. Good job on the drawing and congrats to Oskar@

Deborah said...

Happy 100th post!!! Congratulations Oskar!