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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

special report: wisconsin

ya'll already know that my mama and daddy were wisconsin-ing last week, but now i'm gonna tell you about their way amazing adventures!  i have some handy dandy visuals to help you imaginate everythingie.
so first like, mama and daddy got on a hooge plane and flew to chicago and then on to green bay, wisconsin.

as soon as mama and daddy landed in wisconsin, the very first thingie they did was find some yummy cheese curds to eat!  did you know that cheese curds squeak when you eat them?  teehee.  (oh, and btw, mama and daddy did bring back some cheese curds for me and asa.  JACKPOT!)

after mama and daddy pigged out on cheese curds to their hearts' content, they made their way to my great grammy and grampy's house.  remember how i woofed that it was their 60th wedding anniversary?  there were bunches 'n tons of festivities!  on the morning of great grammy and great grampy's big day, they discovered that their front yard had been flamingoed in their honor!  look at all of those crazy pink flamingoes!

then everybuddy asked great grammy to try on her wedding dress.  here she is provin' that it still fits! doesn't she look totally cute, too?  i can see why great grampy wanted to marry her 60 years ago.

to prepare for the super ginormous pawty that was gonna take place, all the girlies in the family took great grammy, and they went and had pedicures.  i think great grammy kinda sorta really enjoyed that!

finally, it was time to pawty!  lotsa great grammy and grampy's family and friends came from all over the country to wish them a very super happy 60th wedding anniversary!
wanna see a picture of my great grammy and grampy on their wedding day?  they are the couple on the right.  my great grammy's brother was the best man (top left), and my great grampy's sister was the maid of honor (bottom left). 

here's a picture of the super delish cake shaped like a 60!  how cool is that?!  mama said that the 6 was a chocolate cherry cake and the 0 was a lemon poppy seed cake.  mmmmm!  then there's great grammy and grampy's wedding portrait in the background.

of course great grammy and grampy had to do the cutting of the cake just like at their wedding 60 years ago!  aren't they just totally adorable like?

after the cake was cut, everybuddy pawtied and celebrated until they were super pooped.  it was a grrreat day!



Oskar said...

What an awesome party! They are super adorable, I'm so glad your people were able to go see them.

Hugs & love,

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oooh, happy 60th to your Grammy and Grampy. They look like a wonderful, happy couple.

Ummm..cheese curds? What are these cheese curds. We've never seen them or anything. I feel this is a serious gap in my body of knowledge. I wonder if they can be ordered online.

Isn't it funny that in and around any city you can probably get nommables from all over the world, but you might remain ignorant of important regional delicacies just from other parts of the country?

lotsa licks, Lola

The Daily Pip said...

Get Out!! I just returned from Wisconsin late last night! I was near Eagle River visiting my grandparents!! Very strange!!

Your Grammy and Grampy are absolutely adorable!!! 60 years that is so AMAZING!!!!

Look forward to reading more tomorrow!

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

Awww! Your grammy and grampy are so cute together! We love that picture of her in her wedding dress!

Mom says it's definitely worth the drive to Wisconsin, just for the cheese curds! Did they go to Culver's and have fried cheese curds, too?


Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
Happy 60th Anniversary to Grammy and Grampy!
I am sure they all had a great time!
I will be waiting for more...
Kisses and hugs

Life With Dogs said...

Looks like a wonderful trip, and a lot of great memories. Was it tough to come home?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're glad to hear you got some cheese--even if it was just the curds.

Looks like a fabulous party.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Thanks fur sharing!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Mr. Booker man! Your Grampie and Grammy's story is soooo romantic! Human sister loves stories like that! And i is soooo sweet that they have been married for so long! That is true romance! They are a beautiful couple!

I also meant to tell you that it is so funny that you said 'woot' on your first comment on my blog! Because that is one of my nicknames!

Your sister is so cute. My heart skips a beat every time I see her picture.

Labby Licks,
Brodie The Yellow Lab

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Grammy is a total hoot! I can't beeleeves she can still gets into her dress! And they are the cutest couple! Congrats to them on 60 yrs,

And my momma totally flipped out at the Flamingo yard. That is a pawsome idea,,,hers never heard of that! Was each flamingo 'from' somebody? Her is totally going to steal that idea!

Can't wait to see more!


bichonpawz said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary #60 to your grandparents! We loved looking at all of your pics!! Hope they have a great time!! xoxoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Scooter said...

It looks like Grammy and Grampy had a great anniversary. The cake was very neat amd thanks for sharing the pictures to us, they are fun to see.


Unknown said...

Your grammy and grampy look so sweet!
How nice to have a 60th anniversary!

koko said...

Happy 60th anniversary to Grammy and Grampy! Thanks for sharing the pics with us... do fill us in on your adventures in Wisconsin.

Licks, hero

George The Lad said...

What a lovely anniversary they had, thanks for sharing, there's no way mom would get in her wedding dress!! Looking forward to the next post.
See Yea george xxx

Dexter said...

60 years? That is a long time. They must be used to each other by now, eh? How wonderful that your humans were able to go and be part of the celebration.


Tucker said...

Wow 60 years! That's great.

Now please tell us more about the cheese. Oh and interesting fact - the pink flamingo lawn thingy was invented in Maine - seriously - I know it doesn't make sense cause Maine don't have flamingos but I don't think Wisconsin has them either.

woof - Tucker

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

What a wonderful trip!!! Your "greats" are one cute couple!

Yay for you and Asa on scoring the cheese curds. Thats the best!

rottrover said...

Oh Booker and Asa! What a lovely human family you have! I hope your momma and daddy get to celebrate THEIR 60th some day! I hope they brought yu some cheese :-)

Anonymous said...

Ohmidogness! This has to be one of the sweetest posties I've ever read. EVER! Gosh, your grammy and grampy are just SO adorable and I LUVED seeing their pictures, then and now. It's so romantic that they've luved each other for so long.

And the BEST part is that you got CHEESE curds outta the deal!

Wiggles & Wags,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats to grammy and grampy on reaching such an awesome milestone. They both look great and we bet they really enjoyed all the festivities. Mom says she would have asked for a piece of both sides of the cake - yummers.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Looks like everyone is having a Awesome time at their 60th Anniversary Party.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Booker Man,

Happy 60th anniversary to your Grammy and Grampy! Dey makes such a cute couple. SCORE on dose cheese curds!! When mom goes to Iowa she brings dem back to me too!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

sprinkles said...

What a fun day! That's amazing they've been married all these years and that your great grammy can still fit into her wedding dress! Love those flamingoes!

Your mom asked where I saw the ghosts. I saw them at my house. Only one time each (separately) and only for a few seconds. They seem to be friendly spirits as they haven't done anything to hurt or scare me. Well, it did kind of freak me out to see them though. One was a woman in a long dress. The other was a man. Last year I had a psychic reading and he told me that I have a man and a woman spirit around me. The woman has something to do with the property. The man was someone from my family. I don't know how much I believe in psychics (the reading was really a lot of fun though!) but when he said that, I remembered the ghosts.

Also, when I was a kid, a friend and I supposedly saw some weird looking houses. They were weird because they were kind of see-through. We went back to look at them the next day and they weren't there. I have absolutely no memory of this but my friend insisted that I was there and saw it too.

Doris Sturm said...

You did an awesome job posting, Booker man! Woof-woof!

Loved the pink flamingos on the lawn LOL and the cake looked so delish. It's wonderful grandma fits in her wedding dress still - good for her. Congratulations, 60 years is quite an achievement.

p.s. I want some squeaky cheese...I had cheese curds before, but just once and I will never forget how much fun it was to eat them!

Unknown said...

Hey Booker, Mummsy is all mushy mush thinking about your grammy n grampy....how so very very cute.60 years!! congratulations to them.

squeeky cheese...where can we find them here? must sk mummy to check.we have cottage cheese in abundance here and we love it.
wish we could get some of that cake. looks so tasty...yummzzz!

Ann said...

Looks like that was some celebration. I love hearing about couples who manage to stay together that long. How wonderful. Loved the pink flamingos in the front yard.

Mack said...

That anniversary party was awesome!! Did they bring you home some cake??

Two Pitties in the City said...

You were right by us! I love that grammy could still wear her wedding dress. That looks like such a great time. And aren't cheese curds amazing?

Pat Wahler said...

How wonderful! They are adorable and still look sweet as a pair of lovebirds!


JD and Max said...

Hi guys,

Wow, what a pawsome pawty, we loved all the photos! Your grammy and grandpa are so lovely - that last photo had FH getting a bit misty eyed!

Oh - you mentioned a package. We got something from Dogs Trust addressed to 'Mr Jones' with nothing else on it - it had a pawsome toy in it but as we had no idea who it had come from it's been sitting on the side as FH says we can't play with it until we find out where it came from. Is it from you?

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my what an absolutely beautiful post!!! Happy 60th anniversary to the beautiful couple what an example they have set for their family.

Mom loved the pedicure day!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy anniversary grammy & grampy!

Oskar said...

I left you an award on my blog, so come by & pick it up!

Hugs & Love,

Ms. ~K said...

Thank you for sharing this very special celebration...
Congrats to the sweet couple!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! WOW Grandpa n Grandma looks great. Wisconsin is where I go for my Doggy Camp ... its only 45 minutes drive from where I live. Mom n Dad usually get some Cheese Curds at Woodmans. Mmmm I gues your peeps are Green bay Packers fans. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Hey Booker,
Thanx for the info on cheese curds. Mummy has promised to try n find some for us.till then we can make do with cheese proper,we guess**wink**
Glad u liked our 'F'.And so glad that AsA approves **wink**that is something!
we miss her posts though. please ask her to hurry up n post soon.
And hey!tell your Mummy n Daddy to be careful..watchin clouds while driving?!!!That is indeed some skywatching!!
Now Mummy n Daddy are always going to think of ur mum n Dad skywatching while on long trips!!
Bud n Gin

Remington said...

How wonderful! 60 years! Congrats to them! Great post!

Sagira said...

60 years? Wow, that really is something to celebrate! They are so cute!

Glad they brought you home some cheese curds, those look yummy. :)