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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

happy 9th barkday, miss sugar!!!

guess what, everybuddy!!  it's my golden friend miss sugar's 9th barkday today!  i bet lots of you knew that already, but if you didn't, you should totally go over to miss sugar's bloggie and wish her a super duper awesome day!

now i was thinkin' about what i should do to celebrate miss sugar's big day, and i decided that since it's been so ridiculously steamy 'n hot, i would take miss sugar to my most fave water park  -- schlitterbahn in new braunfels, texas! 
mama drove us to schlitterbahn bright 'n early today so we could ride every single spiffy water ride over and over and over.  teehee.  here's a picture of some of the slides and the beginning of the lazy river!  i was sitting on my lounge chair waiting for mama to finish putting sunscreen on my back.  hurryyyyyy uppppp, mama!

okie dokie, finally miss sugar and i are going down our first water slide!  the water was so refreshing like.  it looks like miss sugar is having a most stellar time from the hooge smiley on her face! 

so i woofed that we were gonna go on every single water ride, right?  me and miss sugar even pinkie paw sweared that we wouldn't chicken out on any ride no matter how scary it looked.  that means we went down the most super crazy go nuts insanely steep slide evarrr!  WEEEEEEEEE!  (i'm not gonna lie, i was shakin' like a leaf before i went down, but miss sugar was way brave and didn't even scream on the way down!  she is one tough cookie!)

after that steep slide got our hearts all poundin' big time, miss sugar and i decided to kick back for a little R and R on the lazy river.  we are floatin' down the river as i woof!  i'm sure we'll get our second wind this afternoon and head back to the water slides for more uber funsies!

happy 9th barkday, miss sugar!!!  i hope you are enjoying your water park adventure!


Unknown said...

Oh Mr booker! You are so sweet! I'm sure Miss Sugar is having such a great time at the theme park!

George The Lad said...

Wow now that looked like great fun at the water park, I've sent me Birthday wishes to sugar.
See Yea george xxx

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

BOL! That would be a lab's dream birthday, right? Water, water everywhere. Plus action and adventure. I bet Sugar would love it, too.

lotsa licks, Lola

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! booker man ... LOVE it! Oh my that water slide is so much FUN FUN FUN. BYW: you're the 1st one to call me miss sugar ... love it n how sweet of you. Delighted to be blog friends. Lots of Golden Thanks for a FUN 9th Barkday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Cocorue said...

what a nice gesture and ms Sugar looks delighted too......such fun and you're a good furiend

chikissses and i will have to wish Sugar a happy birthday again!


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Booker Man,

What a fun way to celebrate with Sugar!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

houndstooth said...

Wooo! A water park sounds great right about now!


booahboo said...

wowwheeeeeeee.. you took Sugar to the waterpark? so cool! great during this hoomid weather too...

the pictures on the water slides just cracks me up.. hehhehee.. you guys did have loads of fun!

Happy Barkday Sugarrrrrr!!!!!!

mayziegal said...

Oh, Booker! That was SO sweet of you to take Miss Sugar to that water park! I can tell you're both having the bestest time EVER! I just went over and barked "Happy Birthday" to Sugar. I know she's gonna have a Most Wonderful day with such thoughtful furends like you!

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...


You and Sugar look like you are having da best time EVER!! What a pawsome idea!

BUTT......I haves one question fur you......since you had to drives from your house all da way to New Braunfels....you should have stopped in Houston to picks me UP! I could have been waiting furs you on I-10 (not on the freeway, butt maybe at da rest stop)!! Hee Hee Oh wells, catch ya next time!

♥ Sallie said...

LOL! Wow! What an awesome trip! I love the pics.

This Birthday party rocks!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

oHhhhhh Booker you took Sugar to a grrrrreat COOOOOOL place!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

OH WOW WHAT GREAT FUN!!! Any rooms on yous rafts for some very svelte puggies..hu hu's!!!

Izzy gots a polka dottie bikini and Josie has a pink bonnet wits a big flower!!
Hold on.....
"NO"... 'dey be asking me's embarrassing questions... me's has swim trunks.. not speedo's!!

Sugars gonna loves 'dat water trips!!

Yous Pal,
Anakin Man

rottrover said...

mr. bookerman, you are a wonderful furiend!

Unknown said...

Mr Booker you sure are a sweet gentleman to take Miss Sugar to the water park, looks like yall had so much fun!!!

I love those pics! Too cute!!

Fred and Haylie

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Booker - what a great way to celebrate Sugar's birthday! We are sure she would love it!

We haven't met her before but so many of our friends have talked about her that we had to go meet her and wish her a happy birthday!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Holy Crap...BOL now that is a pawty we want to attend!!
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Oh Booker! What a pAWSOME idea you had!Water park trip! You guys sure had fun and Sugar will definitely remember this Barkday for a looooong loooong time..Loooove the pictures :):)
BtW, your park has such a difficult-to-pronounce name!!can u tell us how to say that correctly?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, Booker, that was an awesome way to celebrate Sugar's birthday. We have that same water park here in KC. We have never been there but we heard Mom say the little bipeds might be going there this weekend if the heat breaks a little. You two sure made it look like lots of fun.

Happy Birthday, Sugar.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

WOW!!! Booker, that looks fun BUT dangerous!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

sprinkles said...

OMD, that looks funsies! Sugar looks like she's having a wonderful time.

I don't really know Sugar but I'll go over and wish her a happy birthday. My brother's birthday was yesterday.

Ann said...

What an excellent way to celebrate Sugar's birthday. I'm sure she enjoyed it very much

Anonymous said...

Happy barkday or parkday? BOL Sweet furiends like you are hard to find, except for animal blogland that is! ;)

Sagira said...

Happy Birthday to your pal! :)

Pat Wahler said...

Hey! You went to the water park and didn't tell me! In this hot weather, that could be construed as a felony.


little princess Luna~ said...

OMD BOL BOL BOL BOL~!!!! what a fantaztic post~!! and this is why you deserve the PAWSOME award bookie and asiasi~!! ;)
i'll just tan on the side....not water for me please. heehee--but sugarpie had a great time--i can tell~!! :D


Lorenza said...

That is the way to celebrate her big day!
Happy Birthday to Sugar!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


That would have been a pawesome way to spend this hot humid day!

Happy Barkday Sugar!!!!!!!!!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Sandee said...

♪♪Happy Barkday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Barkday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Barkday Dear Sugar,♪♪
♪♪Happy Barkday to you.♪♪

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Booker, that looks fun but oh so SCARY! What a great surprise for Sugar.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Where's Asa, or were you and Sugar on a date?

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my cats and wet dogs Booker you all know how to party down in SC.
I'm not much on water but good grief I think I could have fun on a raft in the lazy river.....

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

WHOA! Stumpy's barkday is in march! (hint hint)

Piappies World said...

Hi Mr Booker!

That's such a fun barkday day out with Sugar! Happy Barkday to Sugar!!!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max