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Monday, July 26, 2010


this is my girlfriend miss mayzie who is oh so adorable like!  she is the most loveliest and kindest lady that evarrr was!  i always have to be full of the cautions cuz if i look into her dreamy espresso colored eyes too much, then i go all wobbly pawed and forget where i am and even what my name is!  yup, i got it pretty bad.
anywho, you might be thinkin' to yourself, "so what does the beautimous miss mayzie have to do with paw it forward?"  well, she has everythingie to do with it cuz i was a super duper lucky ducky labradude and got to play paw it forward with her a few weeks ago!!  check out what my nice mail lady brought me and asa!

thankies again miss mayzie and brudder ranger!!  me and asa couldn't ask for better friendz, and i especially couldn't ask for a more wonderful 'n special girlfriend.  teehee.
okie dokie, so now it's your chance, ya'll!!  do you wanna play paw it forward??  all you gotta do is woof, "YO BOOKER MAN!  I WANNA PAW IT FORWARD!" in my comments section.  then i will call dibs on the first 3 of ya'll who respond.  oh yeah, and i am gonna offer 2 thingies to choose from: (1) a $15 donation to the rescue organization of your choice or (2) a surprise pressie!
game on!!!


Dexter said...

What are you talking about? Miss Mayzie is MY girlfriend. Humph. Are you sure that box of loot was not addressed to the Mango?


JD and Max said...

Yo Booker Man - we wanna play paw it forward!!

Oooh, can we, can we, can we?!!

If we get this comment in the first 3 we'd like to say that we choose a donation to a rescue organisation, being Dog's Trust, our most favourite. We need to find out if you can donate from the US, we're sure you can.

Yup, Miss Mayzie is most pretty and lovely - that white stockinged leg of hers....oooh, we'd best stop, we're getting all wobbly ourselves, he he he! But we know she is true to you Booker, you lucky chap!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I'm not asking to play this time. Moms haven't even been able to get out to get Franklin his own new stuff because of Blog Mom's leg, so we're way too behind in things to do that. But I do want to say that I loved your pressies and that you and Mayzie make just the cutest canine couple in the world. I can understand why you feel the way you do about her. She's super special, but so are you.

Oh, and Mango - one word - Tula. Remember?

lotsa licks, Lola

The Daily Pip said...

I want to play Paw It Forward, Booker!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

Ohmidogness! Your movie of you and your pressies made me all kindsa smiley and wiggley! I'm SO glad you liked them. I picked them out specially for you - and Asa, of course. And it makes me all kinds of swooney that one of your paw it forward choices is a donation to a rescue. Sigh.

And Mango - you're SUCH a flirt! (And well, a wee bits fickle, really.) I do think your brindle furs are Most Handsome but my heart belongs to the Booker Man.

Wiggles & Wags & lotsa nose kisses,

PeeS. I likes the "Ban Stupid People" badge. So I'm gonna grab it if it's okay with you!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Booker & Asa
What great pressies. You two look so happy.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we love the Zelda music. That is mom's favourite video game.

Mack said...

I think you are in LUB!

Is there a love triangle here with the relentlessly huge???

Unknown said...

Oh! Looks like we're a bit late on the first three but just to try our luck!

Miss Mayzie is so nice to give you awesome presents!

koko said...

What a great loot you got from Mayzie... this paw it forward thingy is kinda fun. Looks like you have a competitor in RH for Miss Mayzie, Booker.

Licks, hero

Golden Samantha said...

Woo woo - what wonderful PIF pressies from Miss Mayzie - it's clear that you have a cool love thing going (well... better get that little thing sorted out with the RH). Your movie was sensational - you will enjoy those pressies soooo much!
Big Hugs xoxoxo

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow how awesome that you got such great treats from Mayzie! And we know how awesome Mayzie is too - we love to visit her. You are so lucky to have her as your girlfriend! And boy, paw it forward looks so fun - we did it last year and had a great time!

Anonymous said...


If I'm in the lucky 3, I choose #1.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Booker Man,

Grreat pressies from your sweetie Mayzie, she is my good furiend...I luvs her. I just got through playing PiF a little while ago so I know how much fun it is. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS I would like to grab that badge too if it's OK with you.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Booker Man... you have it baaaad. Well, you could NEVER have picked a better or prettier gal..
Super pressies!!!!

Sagira said...

Aww...you are so cute. I would play, but I am currently playing with Daisy Mae and still running behind on asking people to now play with me.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! LOVE the video ... What great treats you received. I just participated on Paw It Forward ... it was fun n wonderful. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

George The Lad said...

Loved looking at the video, great pressies to.
See Yea George xxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Those are great presents. Don't think Asa wanted to share the unstuffed stuffie. Enjoy those cookies.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

sprinkles said...

Those are some super duper pressies you got!

Zona said...

Great video!! I agree, Miss Mayzie is beautiful in all her brindleness AND the nicest furend you could ask for!!


houndstooth said...

Those are great presents! That Mayzie sure sends great ones! She even sent stuff for Morgan in our box! You're lucky to have her as your sweetie!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Booker!
Mayzie sent you two pawesome presents!
I am sure you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs

Pat Wahler said...

What cool presents! Aren't you the lucky dogs!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Too bad she khouldn't have tukhked herself in the box!
