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Friday, July 30, 2010

fridays with asa: word of the day

good day, my fellow friends!
as i was contemplating the myriad of topics i could address today, it occurred to me that several of you have posted inquiries as to the meaning of a particular word from my lexicon.  lest anyone should forget, i am indeed a mature dog just shy of her eighth year, and i strongly adhere to the notion that it is my responsibility to mentor the younger generation in order that we may continue the line of well-rounded, erudite canines.  therefore, i have elected to present a vocabulary lesson from time to time, otherwise known as my word of the day.
i drew my inspiration for today's word of the day from the fact that my mom and dad will be having company at our abode for the next few weekends.  of course, it is imperative that we treat our guests with utmost respect and concern for their well-being.  today's word of the day shall be HOSPITABLE.
hospitable, pronounced \hä-'spi-tə-bəl\, is an adjective derived from the latin "hospes", which means "host".  the word in its current form originated around 1570.  per the merriam webster dictionary, hospitable is defined as: 
1 a: given to generous and cordial reception of guests b: promising or suggesting generous and cordial welcome c: offering a pleasant or sustaining environment
2: readily receptive: open
i find one of the most successful ways to be hospitable is to offer kisses to my guests.  a kiss is a welcoming shower of affection that immediately melts any vestiges of traveling stress from the targeted individual.  one should always be prepared to render kisses to a guest in need.  when guests are lacking, i maintain my kissing precision by scheduling covert practice sessions when my parents least expect it.  i submit exhibits A, B, and C for your perusal.  

friends, i trust that you have adequately familiarized yourself with the word hospitable and all that it entails.  i urge you to venture forthwith and practice being hospitable with your welcoming kisses!


Remington said...

Well done, my friend! I shall begin immediately! Thank you.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job... We will be that word for the rest of the day. 18... Wow
Benny & Lily

Sagira said...

Good job, I will begin right now. :)

rottrover said...

we like that word and we will practice as much as we can this weekend!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Good job Asa,

I have all ready started practicing! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Heartbeats said...

My furryend Asa,
Thank you for sharing. I now knows that I has been "hospitable" my wholes life! However, I continue to practice my covert hospitableness.


Zona said...

This is most helpful! I especially found the photographic exhibits to be useful in my practice sessions! I'm off to offer some hospitableness. BOL!


Ms. ~K said...

We're gonna go drink a bunch of waters and then go be hospitable all over Mom....teeheehee
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

mayziegal said...

I likes that word very much, Asa. Thank you for telling us about it. And I'm glad it doesn't have anything to do with a hospital. I'm surprised the beginnings of that word didn't have anything to do with spit, since kisses have spit in them and "spit" is actually in the middle of that word.

I pawsonally just luvs giving out hospitables! And I'm sending you and Booker Man lots of hospitables for sure!

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...

Thank you, Miss Asa, for enriching our vocabularies today!

HarleyMan is always telling my mom "Don't let those dogs lick you in the face"
Well.......from now on we will just tell him that is our hospitables..not plain ol licks! Yesiree...we likes that.

sprinkles said...

My Shiver is most hospitable, he likes to get up in my face and lick it as much as possible before I make him get down. He only acts this way towards me though. I'll have to see if I can get him to practice on other people this weekend.

Your mom is really pretty, Asa!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It's VERY profitable being hospitable to little kids, because you can often score a little snack!

Thanks for the lesson.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

little princess Luna~ said...

asi, you are most hospitable--no doubt~! ;)


ps. say hi to bookie~! :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Indeed ... BRAVO. Golden Thanks, Asa. Happy Weekend to your family n guests. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Daily Pip said...

Nice job, Asa! Kisses are the best ice breaker!

Your pal, Pip

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Being hospitable is my favorite thing! So are kisses. I love going out places but I love having company here best of all. I will study your technique to see if there are areas I can fine tune. I like to think I'm good at it, but you can't just rest on your laurels, can you? One must strive to improve, always. Thank you, Asa. I always love reading what you've got to say.

lotsa licks, Lola

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom wants to know if she can come for a visit so she can experience your hospitable ways firsthand:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!
I'll let Eva know right away to practise her hospitality!

Lorenza said...

Thanks for the lesson Asa!
I can see you are really hospitable!
Happy friday!
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

You look very hospitable to me! I think Morgan went to the same charm school that you did!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That's the official Khyra greeting!!!

It inkhludes a jump, hug, and khyss!


koko said...

Hospitable I'll be, my furiend... and thanks for sharing the love with us. You're most hospitable to me, Asa.

Licks, hero

JD and Max said...

Oh Asa - if only you knew what this post had done to us young pups! The thought of being smooched by you will linger most delightfully in our dreams for quite a while!

JD likes to practise the wild tail wag with all bi-peds, Max on the other paw is usually too busy carrying a security drill that we don't think he'll ever let his barriers down enough to kiss humans other than those he lives with.

Actually, Max is SO besotted with the humans he lives with that even if they go out of the room for even 2 minutes he does the happy dance and then throws himself on them to furiously smooch the second they come back in the room!

Dreaming-of-you-smooching-us-schnauzer-snuggles - JD and Max.

Unknown said...

Thank you Asa dear for that illustrated lesson.with you for a teacher the younger generation of puppers cannot go wrong.
we have started revising our ABCs. maybe u can help us with them. please do go over to our bloggie for details.If u join in, all of us will be most benefitted.
Btw please do ask Booker if we can please use that 'ban stupid people not dogs' banner in our bloggie ?
mummy would have most gladly put that up in many places if she could have her way!!!!

gin n bud

3 doxies said...

Ah dis bes very enlightening. But, seeing as how I can't jump dat high would you consider a nice pee puddle hospitable? I thinks it should count fur sumptin don't you think?
I really enjoyed your illustrations and you is very luvery, hospitable girlie.

the booker man said...

psssst! miss lisa! you can give miss ruby some hospitables from the booker man. teeheehee. :)

1000 Goldens said...

A most excellent demonstration of hospitable-tality :)

Inky and Molly said...

Yes, we're on the same page! Go, give it to'em!

George The Lad said...

Hi asa, well that will be my word of the week HOSPITABLE, I can see I'm gunner learn alot from you.
Blog land has been playing up this end and you didn't even come up on my watch list! I noticed you'ed put a post up by seeing it on a fureinds list! I just know is squirrels or Rabbits
See Yea George xxx

Mack said...

You like to give sugars like me!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Sunday to you my friend. I see we are both mature ladies in our 8th year. You are very kind to take time out of your busy day to mentor the young ones. Volunteering is hard but rewarding work. I'm in awe of your welcoming practices. You must have practiced for along time.
Madi The Diva

Bella and Ollie said...

I love giving kisses too and I can see that practice makes perfect !Love from Bella and Ollie,
PS thanks for le commentaire francais - it's good to be tri-lingual (Doggie, English and French !)

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh you wonderful dog!!!!!!!!
You made my night here!
Hugz galore to you!
Nancy and the menagerie