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Friday, July 23, 2010

fridays with asa: for khyra and cousin merdie

friends, it's abysmally warm today, and quite frankly, my little grey cells are ill prepared for the task of blogging.  all a canine desires to do in extreme weather of this degree is quietly lounge, partake of refreshing drinks, and perhaps masticate on a bone every once and a while.  as such, i have elected to post my best amphibian-esque pose in a tribute to khyra and cousin merdie.
wishing you an afternoon of continuously restorative air conditioning breezes.

addendum:  my apologies for the lacking quality of the above picture.  it would appear that my mom is also negatively impacted by soaring temperatures since she could not recall the location of the camera and utilized her blackberry as a last resort.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great froggie doggie on your bloggie!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: The khrakhkberry khomes in khwite handy sometimes - since it is ALWAYS by my mom's paws, if she wants to snag a shot of the moment, she'll use it - she does miss that this 'Curve' doesn't have the flash her previous one did

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Stay cool!!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Asa, I love the Merdie like pawsition. Yep... sooooo horribly hot here today too. I'm stayin' INSIDE.
BOOKER MAN... You really are THE MAN... I feel sooooo much better now that I know you are gonna be keeping an eye on thingys where my girrrls are concerned. I have been suffering from a hooooge case of... GROOM... inadequacy!!!!
You guys are all so BIG and Strong and Handsome... and all like that.

Deborah said...

Hey! Just wanted to wish you a happy Friday! Have a nice weekend!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asa! What a cute froggie doggie pose! We hope that you and Booker Man are able to stay cool this weekend - and we hope your mom does too of course!!

Unknown said...


That looks like a very good position to make maximum contact with da cool floors!

Stay cools

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're with you - don't move unless you have to.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Two French Bulldogs said...

Now that is one groggy position we are going to try. BOL
Benny & Lily

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

you do look alot like a frog in that pose! A few of the pups at my house also sleep like that!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Stay cool....I luvs what Khyra said. :)

Woofs and Licks,
MMaggie Mae

sprinkles said...

That's an excellent position to maximize the cooling effect but it works best on a tile floor.

Your picture is probably better quality than what my mega cheap camera would provide!

Anonymous said...

Asa, that is a Most Excellent froggie imitation! I bet Khyra and Merdie are so proud. Ribbit!

Oh, and please tell Booker Man that I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know sweet Miss Luna! So I won't be at the slumber pawty tonite. :-( And I hopes he doesn't decide to snuggle with somebuddy else!

Wiggles & Wags,

JD and Max said...

Asa, Miss Asa - sigh - we could listen to your melodious writings all day! We bet you woof in pupson as beautifully as you write - we simply adore 'Friday's with Asa'!

We are most impressed with your froggy pose and we know that Khyra and Cousin Merdie will be very taken with it too! Sigh - however you lie you are simply gorgous!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

little princess Luna~ said...

i hope you and bookie stay cool and are not grumpy/tired for the slumber pawty~!!


3 doxies said...

Oh dears Miss ASA you so gots da Merdie and Khyra position down to a froggie...hehehehe! And lettme just say it is hotter than Hades heres and I know ya'lls be hot since ya'lls just be down da ways from us so was thinking bouts ya'll. Yesterday they said it was around 105, which obviously means bouts 100005 degrees.
I can't believes Mayzie don't knows Luna.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice froggie doggie there.

We hear you on the heat - just oppressively hot here too. Lots of time spent on the cool floor or in front of the a/c vent.

Hope the weekend is cooler.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Life of Riley said...

That Friday Froggie pose is one of my favourite ways to lie to, while I wait for better things.

Have a great weekend,

Sagira said...

Way to go. Merdie and Khyra are teaching you the right way to do things. :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Love the lounge lizard pose, Asa. You and Booker Man stay coooooool.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Unknown said...

LOL Your mom is so funny. The heat must be crazy!
That's a wonderful amphibian picture. What's even more amazing is that you managed to hide your front legs amazinly! Now you could be a frog-dog!

The Daily Pip said...

That's quite a pose! Do you do yoga?

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

You do the dog frog very well, Miss Asa! We are definitely sympathetic about the heat!


rottrover said...

Miss Asa, you are just a beautiful girl. You and Booker stay cool!!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Good dog frog, Asa. I can't really do that. My little brother can, though. I hate to admit that. Stay cool!

lotsa licks, Lola

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Yeah, Miss Merdie would be proud of your froggy pose!
Hot, hot, hot and we're tired of it!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

1000 Goldens said...

A most wonderful tribute to Merdie - I swear she is the most flexible doggie in blog land!

Golden Samantha said...

Your mama has a wonderful sense of humor, Asa and Booker! There are priceless shots that have not been captured cause Mom forgot her camera and doesn't even KNOW how to take a shot with her cell phone heheh! (She needs a grandpeep to remind her how!)
Hugs xoxoox
PS LOVE the froggie pose Asa - great one!

Ina in Alaska said...

Dear Sweet Asa, we always enjoy your intellectual musings on life. We would encourage you to look into some good air fares and travel up here to Alaska where the air is always refreshing! xoxo Auntie Ina and your Cousins, Ginger, Toby, Jeter and Glamorous Diva Halle xoxoxo

D.K. Wall said...

Excellent froggie doggie pose.

Dexter said...

Yuh, seems like dogs and humans alike suffer from the weak mentals during prolonged heat.

The frogie pose is excellent for maximum privates exposure to cooling floors. Of course I, Mango, am unable to enjoy such a position being somewhat stiff of joint. Sigh.


George The Lad said...

Good pose, my tip would be try the same pose on your back it gets the air moving around the never regions.(its a British saying!)
See Yea George xxx

Zona said...

My thoughts exactly.... H O T!

Stay cool!


koko said...

That's some froggy pose alright, Asa... stay cool and hope you'll have a wonderful weekend.

Licks, hero

Nancy at the Farm said...

We love the picture no matter where it comes from!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Froggy doggie! Froggy doggie!

Pat Wahler said...

We are baking here, too. No one wants to poke a nose outside for any reason (not always a good thing)!


Lorenza said...

Lovely froggie pose!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

Yes, my friend, that is the perfect thing to do on a hot summer day!

Bella and Ollie said...

What a funny photo! Thank you for sharing :)
I hope the weather cools down.
Sending you some clouds!

Love, Bella.

Anonymous said...

We have a little of that oppressive heat too, coupled with some loud and obnoxious storms. Stay cool, Asa and Booker Man. We'll catch up some more when the heat passes!


BRUTUS said...

I totally hear you Asa! It's the same way here, and mom drug me to a dog show - we were under a roof, but no A/C!! At least it looks like you got to take it easy!

Brutus the Frenchie

Life With Dogs said...

Is it just me or is this heat wave causing serious brain drain?

Road Dog Tales said...

We think maybe it was the heat that fried our 'puter! We're still using a borrowed for a while.
Stay cool!
The Road Dogs