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Monday, June 14, 2010

pardon the interruption

evening, folks!  this is booker and asa's mom.  i've taken over booker's blog for a moment because i had to pose a question to ya'll.   part of me is completely embarrassed for booker because i'm posting the below picture, and the other part of me thinks it's just too funny.
does anyone else's dog have such an attachment to a ball or toy that he/she does this?  booker does this pretty much every day.  haha.


3 doxies said...

Oh my god...bwhauhahahahahaha!'I can honestly say that I don't. Howevers, I do bark when I pee or go dodo...hehehe, dodo, that's a funny word.
Bookmeister, I feels fur ya.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

This is hilarious!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Wow Booker , real nice!
My dogs sometimes have a "fav" toy - which they take "everywhere" with them!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom says she knows boys khan be attached to their balls...

But I think she had a difFURent thought...

I'm too young to know what she really means...


Amy & the house of cats said...

Well, as a cat mom I don't have too much experience with that but I can honestly say that none of the dogs I know have done anything like that. The cats don't either (though Gus and Stella will share a litter box which is probably as weird to me as Booker keeping his ball is to you).

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well Asa, I am kinda proud of the fact that I can do either job with a toy Or snack (any toy Or snack I happen to be entertaining myself with at the time) in my mouth. We guys are just kinda like that.
Hey, I surely do hope that BOTH of you play my NameGame thingy post for the Fourth of July. I have been wonderin' and wonderin' about how both of you got your names. It'll be a blast to find out all this stuffs about everybuddy.

Lorenza said...

Booker that is funny!
Nope. I don't do that! I love to play with my ball but if I need to go to... I just leave it... go to the bathroom... and back to my ball again!
Kisses and hugs

Deborah said...

OK, now that is funny!

sprinkles said...

I think it's a funny picture too! I don't let my dogs take their toys outside because they'd leave them out there and I'd run over them with my lawn mower.

But Shiver has a little tennis ball that he likes to carry around everywhere and sometimes when he eats, he'll set it down next to the bowl. If someone walks by him, he'll stop eating and grab his ball. I counted the other day and the dogs have 7 tennis balls! I have no idea why or how they got so many!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Oh Booker! You is one funny dog! Your mom sure got you with this post.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Two Pitties in the City said...

Is it just World Cup Fever? Sometimes, Mr. B takes a stuffed rat on the walk with him and he goes the entire walk, doing everything, with the rat in his mouth.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Booker is gonna have a fit when he sees this. Or at least I assume he will. BOL!

wags, Lola

Unknown said...

BOL! My brudder Dude carries his stuffie/wubba with him everywhere and even does 'his business' with it in his mouth just like Booker! We thoughts brudder Dude was the only one so crazy like that! BOL

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

See Asa, I told you Booker was on the right track. He has every right to say Neener Neener Neener to your mom.
Sweet Sugar has made a button for the NameGame. She is just a TREASURE. I will start posting it on Thursday. THANKS Asa and Booker.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh My! it is funny ... I know dogs that are obsessed with their toys but when they do their special business they let it go ... LOL! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

houndstooth said...

Lilac is rather attached to her Mother Bunny bunnies, and she would do that if I'd let her. We have this little wrestling session at the back door every time we go out so that the rabbit stays inside. She often picks it up on her way back in, even. She absolutely cannot get to the back door without a toy in her mouth, though. Heaven forbid we'd ever throw out her one well worn purple rabbit, though! The world would end!

Bunny's mom

Inky and Molly said...

Bookie! Caught in the act!
Your mum has no shame!!

koko said...

BOL!!! That's hilarious indeed... looks like booker also caught up with the world cup fever... thanks for sharing with us, though booker may not necessarily agree :)

Licks, hero

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Ah, Booker. We've always pictured you as suave, sophisticated and debonair. Ruined in one shot.

We don't have favourite toys; but Kendra is known to find some treasure, old ball, child's sock, etc. that she carries home from walkies.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Dexter said...

This only supports my claim that labradogs have no dignity.


JD and Max said...

He he he - oh Booker! Ahem - we don't mean to laugh, we're actaully rather alarmed about what photos of US might hit our blog now that we have a sister-in-waiting - oh dear, oh dear - we'd best make sure Pip doesn't see THIS!

But - he he he! - it IS funny! We don't have such an attachment to any toy, although Max hates anyone he doesn't know walking past him so he'll usually woof when this happens. Not an issue most of the time but when he's stopped to do his business chances are someone will stroll past so he often multi-tasks this way!!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

♥Mimi♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What is it with moms showing peoples embarrassing pictures of their kids anyway? Oh my. I feel the needs to avert my eyes away from my boyfurend's most privatest of moments but...I just can't help myself. (PLEEZE don't tell him that I saw this!)

Anyways, ahem, I don't haves anything that I luvs that much. But I think it's kinda sweet. Booker's a very much devoted labradude, for sure.

Wiggles & Wags,

Scout and Freyja said...

Heck, it's time for the WORLD CUP. He has his priorities in order! Go Booker! Rah, rah, rah!☺

Ruby and Penny said...

That is too funny.
Love Ruby & Penny

Unknown said...

Hey Booker, is that your trick? It's really hilarious!

Maxmom said...

That is so, so funny!
It must take the prize for the funniest picture of the year!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

BOL....BOL, BOL.....Poor Booker.

Mama hasn't caught us with anything...yet.

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

O.M.D!!!!!!!! Mabel tries to do this but drops the ball after a second or two! LOL!!! BOL!!!

Emma Rose said...

Mister Higgins does the same thing. Right in the middle of a game of catch!

Emma Rose

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

BOL, that is one of the funniest pictures we've ever seen! :-)


BRUTUS said...

Hahahahahaha!! What is it with labradorks and their bathroom habits? My brother Mason has to be the most prolific pooper the world has ever seen. Just wait to see what we post about him on the blog soon - Booker will certainly appreciate the goal Mason has set for himself!

Brutus the traveling Frenchie

Anonymous said...

Noooo, this is hilarious. Sorry booker but it is!
Nobody in our home is really into balls except for our mom, but she doesn't take hers to the bathroom. BOL
Love it!

Sagira said...

Not me, I put my ball down to poo and then go back to get it when I'm done.

fromsophiesview said...

Oh yes...I have an orange rubber ball that does not leave my grip ever!

little princess Luna~ said...

oh my goodness gracious--bookie~!! *covers face with mini paws*

can't say i have to potty with my toys....*blush*


The Oceanside Animals said...

Tucker does this with various stuffies. If it takes too long and his mouth gets tired he will drop them though.

Life With Dogs said...

As long as they don't do it while holding food...