do ya'll remember me postin' this pic awhile back?
it is from a totally awesome sauce campin' trip that me and asa and mama and daddy went on like 50 gazillion years ago! okie dokie, it wasn't really that long ago...we went in april, but mama just now got around to gettin' all the pics off of her flashy camera.
anywho, are ya'll ready to hear a campin' adventure story?? i'll woof about everythingie, includin' why my mama has such a big smiley on her face in the tent pic! teehee.
so way back in april, mama 'n daddy loaded me and asa and all of our campin' gear into the car, and we drove and drove and drove to a far away place called lake hartwell. mr. google let me attach a map, so you can see where lake hartwell is if you want!
when we finally got to lake hartwell, we found the state recreation area, which is where we had reserved our camp site. there was a super secret CAMPERS ONLY entrance just for us!
mama tried to get me 'n asa to pose by the sign by ourselves, but we didn't feel like lookin' at the flashy camera. this is our best "snooty" look. heeheehee.
we got to our camp site, which was totally spiffy and right on the lake! check out our view!
daddy 'n mama got our tent, green tarp, and pop-up canopy set up while me 'n asa enjoyed bully sticks. yummy yummers! then i gave mama my bestest googley eyes cuz i wanted to go explorin'!
"look deep into my eyes! you will take me walkies..." |
since it was gettin' close to supper time, we did a quick walkie around our camp site area. we found this nifty mega flowerin' bush that was growin' around a hooge tree!
we got back to camp about an hour later, and daddy got the fire goin' so we could roast some hot dogs (tube steaks for mr. frankie!!). as the sun was settin', we started makin' s'mores. this is when thingies started gettin' a smidge excitin'. mama was in the middle of toastin' her 52,891 marshmallow when she felt somethingie hit her face. that somethingie was wet. then another wet somethingie hit her face, and before you could woof "where's the umbrella?", the sky let loose with buckets of waters! the wind started blowin' all crazy go nuts, and the sky was lightin' up with boomers!
the rain and wind and boomers lasted all night long. none of us snoozed very much, and mama was totally worried that we were gonna get washed and/or blown away in our little tent. thankfully, the storm stopped around sunrise, and we all fell into a deep snooze for a few hours. when we woke up, the sun was shinin' all bright like, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky! can you believe that?!
daddy took the pic of mama and me and asa in the tent right after we woke up in the morning. now you know why mama was so very much happy (cuz normally she's kinda cranky pants about gettin' up in the morning)!
YAY! we didn't float away! |
thank goodnesses for our special green tarp! it totally saved the day! the only problem was that daddy's fire got way soaked, so he had to work really really hard to get it goin' again. i totally knew he could do it, though, cuz he was a grrreat boy scout growin' up! heehee.
daddy's totally PRO at makin' fires! |