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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

wordless wednesday: fast forwardin'!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

i totally have a green paw, too!

so most of you know that my big sis asa is like the gardening pro, and she looooves to woof about it.  well, i am good at growin' stuff, too!  do you remember my tree that mama and daddy helped me plant a little over one year ago?  here is my tree -- a carolina sapphire -- when we planted it back in april 2010.

baby stan!

i named my tree stan.  i have been givin' him the mega attentions 'n cares.  i water stan lots 'n lots.  i fluff his pine straw, and i even woof to him every night before i go to bed.  i think he likes me cuz this is what he looks like now!

beefy stan!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

blogger was being a poopy pants, but it's all good now!!

i think blogger must have had the mega sickies cuz, boy howdy, i couldn't do anythingie at all from like wednesday until yesterday afternoon!  first it was stuck in some maintenance "read only" mode, and then after that was over, i kept gettin' this "the page you are looking for does not exist" message every time i tried to comment on bloggies or even paw a post for my bloggie!  blarg!!
anywho, now that blogger is back to normal, what i've totally been wantin' to show you is my way super duper cool surprise easter pressie that i got!  i know easter was like 50 gazillion days ago, but try to rewind yourself back to there, okie dokie?
so here's what happened.  when my mama came home from work on the thursday before easter, she said that the mail lady had left a package on the front step for me!  i was totally full of the excitements and had no idea who it was from!  i did a little snoopervising and saw that it said the barkers dozen on the box.  also somethingie smelled yummy delish inside!  i opened up the box all speedy gonzales like, and there was a letter from my most loveliest lady, miss mayzie!

my sweet miss mayzie had sent me an all-you-can-nom buffet of chicken treatsies, PB treatsies, and carob PB cups!  be still my labradude heart!  i have the most beautimous 'n generous brindle furred girlfriend in the whole wide world!

i don't know if you can tell, but i was pretty happy happy joy joy about my treatsies.  teehee.  i wanted to dig right in, but mama made me practice bein' patient like.  i'm balancing my treatsies on my paw.

hey, everybuddy!  guess what!
my girlfriend sent me treatsies!

btw, miss mayzie, i followed your instructions and shared my treatsies with my big sis asa!  my mama made her practice bein' patient like, too.


oh, and here are me 'n asa enjoyin' the totally awesome sauce carob PB cups!  see how they are especially ooey gooey?  well, the day that the mail lady brought my surprise pressie, it was really steamy outside, so the carob PB cups got a smidge squishy.  me 'n asa looooved it cuz we got the yummy goodness all over our snooters and our paws and stuff.  heeheeheeeeeee.  of course, mama made us be all full of the manners before she would let us eat.  sigh.

bwuahaha!  asa's lookin' a little crazy go nuts here!
okie dokie, mama, we are all calm now and ready to eat our carob PB cups!!

super mega thankies to you, miss mayzie, for thinkin' of me, your booker man, and sendin' this totally tasty surprise pressie of goodness!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

celebrate your mama!!

my mama gives me permanent warm fuzzies inside.
she gives the bestest tummy rubs 'n gentle ear pulls.
she's always up for throwin' my tennis ball or frisbee.
she makes the most super delish meals evarrr and always has treatsies to give out.
if i am down in the dumps or scared, my mama always provides the endless snugglefications.
she thinks i'm handsome even if i'm havin' a bad fur day.
she always makes sure that my bed is in the sunshineys.
there is nobuddy i'd rather go walkies with!
mama rents movies just so she doesn't have to leave me 'n asa home alone.
if i am itchy, my mama knows just the right spot to give me scritches.
after she finishes eatin' her yogurts, she always lets me 'n asa lick the cup.
she takes me on car rides just because.
she always gives me goodnight smoochies 'n tucks me in my blankey.

happy mother's day to you, mama!  i love you bunches 'n tons!
and happy mother's day to all of you mamas out there!  us furkids and two legger kids wouldn't be the same without you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

fridays with asa: house hunters -- blogville edition

greetings, fellow blogvillians, and welcome to a special house hunters -- blogville edition!

i, asa, shall be your most amicable host and consummate realtor today.  a true lady never reveals her age, but i must assure you that i have amassed a wealth of knowledge in the plethora of years i have been representing properties here in blogville.
as those of you who follow the show are quite aware, three potential properties are normally displayed, with the buyer selecting their ideal property in the end.  however, today's show will not follow that format.  why, you inquire?  well, the fact of the matter is that i have discovered the most delightful property that i have ever seen in my years of realtorhood!  time is money, my friends, and i would not dare squander yours by showing you other useless properties when you could be the proud new owners of pip's house!

one could spend hours simply gazing at the exquisite exterior of pip's house.  it is a solid brick structure with lovely stone accents and a lush green garden out front.  the covered porch exudes comfort and would be a most welcoming spot for elevenses either by one's self or with fellow comrades.
inside, this charming home possesses rich hardwood floors and positively shines with sunlight due to the numerous picturesque windows.  the walls are freshly painted in soothing colors.  pip's home is assuredly cozy, yet there is more than adequate space to spread out.  the kitchen is a chef's delight with stainless steel appliances and prep space galore. 
i advise you not to dilly dally on this excellent opportunity, friends!  contact me forthwith at 1-800-ASA-HOME to arrange a viewing before pip's house is but a faint memory because you delayed far too long!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


really, ya'll, i've got so much totally awesome sauce stuff to woof about like my campin' trip and my super duper special easter surprise pressie, but my mama's been havin' crazy go nuts times at work 'n stuff over the past week.  she's been too super pooped to help me with bloggin'.  *sniffers*
i'm hopin' i only have to put up with one more week of her bein' mega busy and then i can get back to postin' all about the good stuff!  teehee.  until then, me 'n asa will be around to visit when we can.  oh, and here's a funsies video of us tryin' to figure out our new kong wobbler just in case you forgot what we looked like.  BOL!!