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Sunday, May 8, 2011

celebrate your mama!!

my mama gives me permanent warm fuzzies inside.
she gives the bestest tummy rubs 'n gentle ear pulls.
she's always up for throwin' my tennis ball or frisbee.
she makes the most super delish meals evarrr and always has treatsies to give out.
if i am down in the dumps or scared, my mama always provides the endless snugglefications.
she thinks i'm handsome even if i'm havin' a bad fur day.
she always makes sure that my bed is in the sunshineys.
there is nobuddy i'd rather go walkies with!
mama rents movies just so she doesn't have to leave me 'n asa home alone.
if i am itchy, my mama knows just the right spot to give me scritches.
after she finishes eatin' her yogurts, she always lets me 'n asa lick the cup.
she takes me on car rides just because.
she always gives me goodnight smoochies 'n tucks me in my blankey.

happy mother's day to you, mama!  i love you bunches 'n tons!
and happy mother's day to all of you mamas out there!  us furkids and two legger kids wouldn't be the same without you!


Scooter said...

YEP, sounds like the perfect MOM. You are so lucky!!
Happy Mothers Day!!

Jazzi and Addy

Scooter said...

Hey Booker Man!
Wow, super nice post about all those nice things your mom does for you. She sounds great!!
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms today!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

It's a beautiful lovely post, Bookerman! Asa and you are so lucky to have your mom, she sounds like a perfect mom in the whole wide world.

Happy Mother's Day too!!!

1000 Goldens said...

Booker and Asa - you are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom :) Happy Mother's Day!

How Sam Sees It said...

How very sweet! Happy Mother's Day!


booahboo said...

Awwww... tat's one of the sweetest Mother's Day post ever! Love the photo of small Booker and momma.. hope you all are having a great day celebrating mom.

did you get extra noms noms? heehehehe

rottrover said...

Oh Booker!! That was the most thoughtful post!! Please give your momma some extra snuggles and kisses from us!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Oskar said...

Perfect tribute! I hope your mama has a great day.

Nubbin wiggles,

Pippen said...

Your mom is most thoughtful but then so are you, Booker and Asa!

Hope you are spoiling her rotten!

Sam and Pippen

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Mommy's Day
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww, Booker and Asa, you are so sweet and you said it so well.

Happy Mother's Day!

Woos and pawhugs ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Awwww I love that photo!

Happy Doggy Momma's Day to you too :D

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Mom lets me lick the yogurt cup too :)

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Bookerman, you and Asa are SOOOOO lucky! Hope you give her lots of licks n kisses today!!!

houndstooth said...

You have a great mama, Booker Man! I am so glad I have my mom, too! She's the best!


houndstooth said...

You have a great mama, Booker Man! I am so glad I have my mom, too! She's the best!


The Life of Riley said...

Sounds like you have a great mum there. Happy Mother's day to her.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

No wonder you and Asa love your Mum! They are fantastic, aren't they.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

We love the word snugglefications BTW

Ann said...

You sure did luck out when you got your mom. Me and my mom want to wish your mom a very Happy Mother's Day
your pal Duke

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhh Booker you are absolutely 100% correct about your Mom AND might we add she is a most beautiful Mom.
You, Asa and Dad are lucky to have her.
Hugs and Happy Mother's Day to her.MADI
PS from Mom
DANG golf match is running over I hope TAR isn't too late starting but heck I'm retired so that is ok.

Anakin Man said...

Happy Mother's Day!!
Love 'da pho-toes and 'dat posty super sweet!

Sending big puggie huggies,
Anakin Man, IzZY, Josie and TriXie

Lorenza said...

Pawesome post for your Mom!
Happy Mother's Day!
Kisses and hugs

jen said...

You have a wonderful Mom Booker!
Happy Mother's Day!

Wyatt said...

Yep, she is a keeper!! Happy Mothers Day!

Wyatt and Stanzie

bichonpawz said...

You and Asa have the BEST Mom!!! What a cute picture of you two!! Hope you had a wonderful day!! xoxo Chloe, LadyBug and the mama

24 Paws of Love said...

She sounds like she's the best momma in the world! And we thought we were the only ones who had it so good! :)

Amber-Mae said...

Your mom is just wonderful! Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like we are all the lucky ones having Grrreat Moms!

Sure do wish every pup and kittie did too.

Happee Moms Day to your Mom!

woo woos, Tessa

Tucker said...

Happy Mudders day to your momma!

woof - Tucker

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You has da bestest Mom.

Happy Belated Mom's Day!

Zona said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mom! I bet she had a GREAT day!!!


Pat Wahler said...

Happy Mother's Day! I'm sure Mama appreciates your sweet words!


Kristin G. said...

I can tell you are truly adored Booker. You landed yourself one good home, and a pawesome momma!!

sprinkles said...

You are so sweet to honor your mama like that! I spent Mother's Day cuddlin' with the chi's and just enjoying them. Later, I went to my mom's house for dinner and when I came home, I gave my boys a treat just for sharing my life with me.

Anakin Man said...

Hey Booker Man~

Got yous message 'bout 'da AC-
Our fan blower out and Momma got estimate for 480 - to 520
Momma's gonna get 'da part (which is 180.00 and install enlist 'da help of some furiends- oh dear-

Hopefully 'da house still be on one piece-
hu hu's

Meanwhiles- it was 90 again today's and me had cool towel on me head-

Anakin Man

K9 Katastrophie said...

Aren't mommas great?!


Pee.s. kisses to Asa!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Bookerman! We are behind - we love that picture of you and your mom! We hope your mom had a great mothers day!!

Sagira said...

What a sweet post.

Happy Belated Mother's day to your mom. :)