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Friday, May 6, 2011

fridays with asa: house hunters -- blogville edition

greetings, fellow blogvillians, and welcome to a special house hunters -- blogville edition!

i, asa, shall be your most amicable host and consummate realtor today.  a true lady never reveals her age, but i must assure you that i have amassed a wealth of knowledge in the plethora of years i have been representing properties here in blogville.
as those of you who follow the show are quite aware, three potential properties are normally displayed, with the buyer selecting their ideal property in the end.  however, today's show will not follow that format.  why, you inquire?  well, the fact of the matter is that i have discovered the most delightful property that i have ever seen in my years of realtorhood!  time is money, my friends, and i would not dare squander yours by showing you other useless properties when you could be the proud new owners of pip's house!

one could spend hours simply gazing at the exquisite exterior of pip's house.  it is a solid brick structure with lovely stone accents and a lush green garden out front.  the covered porch exudes comfort and would be a most welcoming spot for elevenses either by one's self or with fellow comrades.
inside, this charming home possesses rich hardwood floors and positively shines with sunlight due to the numerous picturesque windows.  the walls are freshly painted in soothing colors.  pip's home is assuredly cozy, yet there is more than adequate space to spread out.  the kitchen is a chef's delight with stainless steel appliances and prep space galore. 
i advise you not to dilly dally on this excellent opportunity, friends!  contact me forthwith at 1-800-ASA-HOME to arrange a viewing before pip's house is but a faint memory because you delayed far too long!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

ASA!!!! Girrrrrl I had no idea that you were such a talented girrrl. You make a Wonderful house seller girrrl.
I am just stunned.. Booker NEVER told us about THIS side of You!!

Pip's house is gonna sell faster than a Squirrle on Steroids.

Oskar said...

Asa, you are a marvelous realtor! Great job.

Nubbin wiggles,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Asa, If you can;t sell this house, nobody can!

Anonymous said...

wow Asa girl you are absolutely Pawsome!

Relators around the world will be pawing at your door to hire you!

woo woos, Tessa

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmmmm...maybes I should lets you sell my house too and I could move into Pip's house. Does Pip come with it?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awesome post, Asa. By now we are sure Pip's home has been grabbed by a fantastic buyer. At the very least, we sure hope something good happens soon for Pip and his family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

3 doxies said...

I so didn't understand anything you said...you knows bout using big words around me...hehehe!
All I got was cozy.
You are aincredible sales lady and if this don't attract buyers then nuttin possibly could.


jen said...

Boy, Pip sure has a great team of salespeople!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asa! Wow if we had monies we would totally buy the house based on your description alone! Too bad our mom is the one in control of that stuff (ahd she doesn't want to move - she says moving cats is no fun at all). Tell Bookerman we say hi - we somehow end up catching up on Asa day a lot of the time so we miss seeing him!

Ann said...

Asa you amaze me with your abilities. Pip is very lucky to have you on the job

The Daily Pip said...

I'll BUY IT! Wait a minute, I already live here! You sure have a way with words, Asa! With you on our side, how can we possibly go wrong!

Mama and I are so overwhelmed and touched by all your kindness and good wishes! Bloggie friends are the absolute best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Your pal, Pip

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Fantastic sales pitch to display the uniqueness of Pip's property.

xXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

You make me want to move to Chicago! I bet you sell this house in no time!

Teddy Bear said...

Sold! You are one great Realtor!:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Pat Wahler said...

With a pitch like that, I think you'll be joining the Million Dollar Club in no time!


Scooter said...

Hey Asa!
Wow, great post. This was a great event to help out our pal Pip and you did a wonderful job!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

My Mind's Eye said...

Golly Molly Booker and Asa everyone is getting their real estate license. Looks like I'm going to have to Go online to get mine too. MOL

OH boy is Mom totally upset with the Globetrotters. The Cowboys and the Globetrotters were her favorite teams and she was hoping to see both of them in the final three and racing an fair race to the end. Tomorrow night is the big night and we probably pulling for Zeb's team.
Hugs Madi

Sagira said...

Pip sure does have some great pals trying to help sell the house. Hope they get lots of offers. :)

Unknown said...

Asa, I've to say that you're a marvellous realtor. I wish I could be able to buy Pip's house if I had some extra green papers but I'm sure this beautiful house is going to be sold out like hot cakes.

Asa, you're a brainy beauty!!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! What a pawsome post!! Bet Pip's house won't be on the market to much longer.

Happy Mother's Day to your MOM!!

{{huggies}}}}....Mons & Weenie

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Goodness, with Asa & Puddles both working on this listing, it will sell like hotcakes! And you have such different styles, the two of you will appeal to the widest possible audience. Well done!

Jed & Abby