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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

pssst! miss honeybuzz!

miss honeybuzz,

i can't comment on your bloggie posts for some reason...blogger won't let me!  boohoo!  is anybuddy else havin' the same problem??

the booker man


Diana Chiew said...

We went over to Miss Honeybuzz to try leaving them a comment, yup...we can't too. She must have accidentally disallow comments.

Unknown said...

Hey Booker,
We didn't know about Miss Honeybuzz but after u told us, we went over and tried to say Hi. But nopes! We couldn't too.

Some settings problem maybe. now thanks to you, she will know about it and maybe get it right.

Yeah! We had HEAPSSES of fun the other day. There were no hoomans around, so Mummy could let us off leash without a care for miles and miles!
And I, ginger found that mud pond. Before Mummy could get to me, I had my splash. But I was terrified when she said she won't let me into the car with that thick layer of mud all over me!!!
Thankfully Budboy found that pond. It was a big pond, real one and not rain water one!
So finally I could swim myself clean!
Shadow DIDNOT get into the water!He went very very close to the edge but just wouldn't get in! guess he isn't a lab like he believes..tee hee hee:)

wags, Gingin n Bud boy

Unknown said...

Hey Booker, we wanted to ask u something.
We rather like this unit of measurement u have coined..'Gazillion'. we think it deserves official recognition!
Can we please use it?

we think it needs to be patented and have thought of modifying it to 'Gazillion Booker' and use it like 100 Gazillion-booker miles, 56 Gazillion -booker licks, 1010Gazillion-booker days etc etc.
What do u say?

awaiting permission,
ginger & Buddy

bichonpawz said...

We tried too! No dice! We love the word gazillion too!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Teddy Bear said...

Oh no!!!

Teddy Bear

Unknown said...

My silly mom clicked on almost everything but NOPE!!! Sorry!!!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Gazillion is a great word, but yes, Gazillion Booker sounds so nice and official. Let's get it into the books - or wherever you put those things.

lotsa licks, Lola

houndstooth said...

We tried to comment and couldn't, either! Phooey!


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom and me just tried too.... :(

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Anonymous said...

Tried and tried and tried and... but to no avail :(

Hope miss Honeybuzz doesn't think we don't luv her.

They say it's the thought that counts :) We're thinkin bout ya Miss Honeybuzz :)

Waggin at ya Booker. Ya got a thing for Miss Honeybuzz huh? ;)

You sly dog you ;)

KB said...

You're only my third blog of the morning, but no problems commenting yet!

Hope that you solve it...

KB said...

Oh, I see. It's a problem specific to Miss Honeybuzz...

Remington said...

Some days the blogger gets an attitude with me too. Hope it clears up for you soon!

Zona said...

Oh no! I hope Miss HB and Blogger work out their troubles!!


Unknown said...

we didnt know her and we tried and yup no comment love is allowed :)
let us know when she solves the problem so we can meet her!

Anonymous said...

I have had problems adding her to my reader. It's the weirdest thing. And I WANT to add her to my reader cuz she's pawesome!

And YOU are pawesome for caring abouts her enough to let her know that we can't comment.

Wiggles & Wags,

Ann said...

just tried and nope, can't leave a comment

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Same here, hope Miss Honey Buzz is reading your post today:(

Hi Booker and Asa.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are able to comment but sometimes we have trouble doing so!


Oskar said...

We can't comment either & we can't find her e-mail addy!

I hope she knows we're trying!

Nubbin wiggles,

sprinkles said...

Didn't work for me either, not even when I right clicked on the comment link and opened it in a different tab. It just opens up the same post.

Sagira said...

I don't know her but hope they get it fixed for you.

The Daily Pip said...

I haven't been able to comment on her blog either!

Your pal, Pip

Lorenza said...

Hi, Booker!
Maybe is something with the setting of the post.
I hope you can contact her soon!
Kisses and hugs

Pat Wahler said...

Blogger can be so tempermental. At one point yesterday it wouldn't let me log in. Then later it was fine. Go figure...


Ms. ~K said...

Go Gamecocks...
We'll be watching and cheering!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

24 Paws of Love said...

Hi, we just meeting ya for the first time and love your blog so far, escpecially your name. Mr. Bookerman!! So cute. :)

Maureen said...

Oh my dogness! Thank you Bookerman for lookin' out for da HoneyBuzz! My hooman has had the sickies and been staying in her bed ALL WEEK so I hasn't been able to visit the bloggies. I thought no one left the comments on my last blog cuz it was tanksgiving and everyone was full of the turkey and the stuffing. But now that we know there is a problem, I'll roust my sick hooman and see if we can't figure out this blog disaster!! I wonder if its cus we changed the design! Hmmmm....

Tank you Bookerman for watching out for me. You is a good pal!!

Sooper big slurps to you, HoneyBuzz

Golden Samantha said...

Hi Bookerman and Asa,
Just went over to Miss H. and we could leave a comment - not sure why, but maybe she fixed it by now - we're a little late! Hope you and Asa are good!!! (Santapaws likes "good"!)
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

rottrover said...

Asa and Booker under the tree! What wonderful gifts!!

Bella and Ollie said...

Sorry we cant help!
But we wanted to say we love your header photo :)

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Doris Sturm said...

I'm just stopping by to say "hey" and tell you we're thinking of you guys...thanks for stopping by earlier to comment on my photos. Mommy thinks I'm a ham! But you two are rather photogenic as well. Are you having a cozy time with your family?

Hey, listen, mommy's having a Giveaway and she's offering 3 Prizes this time - why don't you play and win something for your mom and dad for Christmas ;-) (just thinking out loud!)

We love you,
Gizzy and his mommy, Doris :-)

rottrover said...

Congrats on your awardification!! Bookerman Rocks!!