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Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy happy thanksgiving!!

it's not too late to join in the funsies!  clicky for more infos!

gobble gobble, everybuddy!!
i hope ya'll are havin' a totally spiffy thanksgiving with your family 'n friendz!  i also hope you are enjoyin' lots of mega tasty foodables...you know, like turkey, stuffin', mashed taters, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls, and pumpkin pie!  oh, and does anybuddy else have those little teeny sweet 'n salty pickles for appetizers?  i think they are called baby gherkins or somethingie like that.  (gherkins...teehee...that word totally gives me the giggles every time i woof it!)  anywho, so not only are we celebratin' thanksgiving and being full of the appreciations for the blessings in our lives, but it's also a celebration for miss minna's gotcha day!  happy happy gotcha day, miss minna!!  wooohoooo! 
now most of ya'll know that miss minna came up with the funsiest idea, but in case anybuddy's got giblets in their ears and didn't hear, today is the day to share your "story of me"  -- how you found your forevarrr home and stuff!  then we can all read each others' stories while we are oinkin' out on thanksgiving foodables and watchin' football!
okie dokie, here's the part where i let you know that i am cheatin' a teeny tiny bit.  me and asa and mama just had an interview thingie with coffee with a canine, and mama told how me and asa were adopted.  i am just gonna post what she said again if that's a-okay.  i know it's kinda lazy like, but thingies have been pretty crazy go nuts at our house lately!  so if you haven't read me and asa's adoption stories yet, here's what my mama has to say!
my husband and i had always wanted a dog. as soon as we got married and had settled in our home, we started looking around at various local rescue groups and also on petfinder.com.  since we were not experienced with raising a dog, we were searching for an older, medium-sized dog that was already house trained and that knew basic commands. we first found asa on petfinder. she was a year-and-a-half old and was being fostered by a local rescue group after being removed from an abusive home in which she was left to starve. my husband and i went to meet her and were drawn in by her beautiful gold eyes. she was a sweet girl, but very tentative and nervous. she was frightened of cars, loud noises, tall men...you name it! we left from that first meeting feeling a connection with asa, but we weren't sure if we were the right people for asa since we didn't know much about working with an abused dog. my husband and i thought about it for several days and did some research. then we arranged a second meeting with asa. by then, we were completely smitten and knew we couldn't leave without bringing her home with us. that was may 2004. 
several years later, my husband and i decided that a companion would be good for asa, so we talked about adopting an easy going, male dog. we were thinking a labrador or golden retriever. a few days before christmas in 2008, we had driven to walmart to pick up some last minute items. in the parking lot, we noticed a man with a beautiful yellow labrador and a laundry basket filled with 5 labrador puppies. the man was trying to find homes for the accidental litter of puppies. we spoke with the man for awhile and then looked at all the puppies. one of the puppies was determined to climb out of the basket into my arms.  i picked that little guy up, told him his name was booker, and the rest is history!
here are some of me and asa's gotcha day pictures, too!


me and asa and mama will be takin' a little breakie from bloggin' during the holiday season.  mama gets reaaaaally busy with bakin' from now until the new year, and you just might have guessed that me 'n asa are her #1 taste testers.  we will be pretty busy samplin' treatsies and given out the approvals.  heehee.  anywho, we will still do a few posts and will be readin' bloggies, but we definitely won't be able to comment as much. 
we'll be 100% back in action in january, okie dokie?


bichonpawz said...

What wonderful gotcha stories!!! Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!! xoxoxo Chloe, LadyBug, and the Mama

booahboo said...

Awwww.. those baby pics of Booker is so very the cute.. too much too much too cute!! hahahaha

Happy Thanksgiving to Booker, Asa & mommy + daddy. May you have many many wonderful tasty treats to taste :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Happy T-Day!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Wonderful stories. Taste testers....that's an important job. At least you enjoy your work!

Have a Happy, safe Thanksgiving and weekend. We'll be here when you get back.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Ann said...

those are some super cute gotcha pictures. Taste testing is a very important job and we totally understand the need to devote your time to that.
me and mom want to wish you guys a happy Thanksgiving
your pal

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

We read your interview but we totally enjoyed reading the whole thing again, Booker and we love the photos. We do understand about having to take a break. I'm not sure how much we'll be able to keep up over the holidays either. We'll do our best but I bet lots of doggies are going to have to do other things more than usual around now.

I hope you and Asa and your family have the most wonderful and tasty Thanksgiving ever!

lotsa licks, Lola

Dexter said...

Nothing beats a labrapal for getting along with just about every doggie. Miss Asa is one lucky pup.


Unknown said...

I just love those cute puppy pictures of you, Bookerman! You were a cutie pie! So glad you and Asa found your pawrents at last and have a happy ending! By the way, I forgot to tell you that we enjoyed reading the interview too! It was a wonderful read!

Kristin G. said...

I love reading about how you found your forever homes. What a lucky dog you were to be at Walmart at exactly the right time. I hope you, Asa, and your 2-leggers have an awesome Thanksgiving and holiday season. I understand you mom's need to take a break. The holidays can get a little hectic, but I hope to see you pop in from time to time. Have fun!

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Thanksgiving Booker and Asa!

Your pal, Pip

P.S: Enjoy your mom's baking. My mom can't bake to save her life! You guys are so lucky!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Thanks for sharing yous wonderful gotcha stories~~

Happy Thanksgiving~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Anonymous said...

Great story! I love how you just climbed out of that basket and into her arms. Love at first sight, it doesn't get any better than that. Proof that sometimes you just *know*.

Have a wonderful holiday season!!

Zona said...

Great stories of you! And those baby pictures.... SO CUTE!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! And enjoy the taste testing this holiday season!


rottrover said...

Happy Thanksgiving Booker and Asa!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asa and Booker Man, Your stories are truly ones to be THANKFUL about. Now you be sure to tell Minna that you are IN like Flynn.
I hope you have a most magical holiday. Happy Baking...

BRUTUS said...

We saw you on the other blog - we're in the process of getting our questions filled out so we can too! Hope you and your peeps have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

Brutus & Carmen
pee ess, we'll email you a picture soon!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Booker and Asa! Happy Thanksgiving!!


3 doxies said...

I read da interview...hehehe...still makes me laugh, sorry Booker! Still can't get dat image of you outta my brain from you runnin' in da door!
You was such an adorable Baby Booker!
Hope ya'll has a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks for sharing your stories and your gotcha day photos.
Love Ruby & Penny

Remington said...

Love the cool stories and pics! Thank you for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!

Unknown said...

HIII Booker and Asa,
HAPPY HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU. Please do pass on our wishes and licks and hugs to mummy and daddy.
We hope u are having heaps of fun getting ready for the super yummy dinner.
How we wish we could com over and help u taste your mummy's cakes. It must be really difficult to decide with so much good food around.
PLZZZZ donot say sorry fornot being able to visit us. we TOTALLY understand. We miss u of course, but that is ok as long as we know u are fine. Look at us, we have been so so so bad at visiting everyone in the past few days.
we are trying to catch up now, as far as possible.

you and Asa made us all cry with your account of your homecoming the other day in your coffeee wth a canine post.
And we absolutely enjoyed reading it again today.
We are just so Thankful we know you and are BFFs:) :)
We hope to remain so for ever and grow old together...

Have a lovely thanksgiving. And donot forget to click some pictures of all the yummables.

wags, Buddy n Ginger N Shadow n Mummy too

pee ss: We think someone just miniaturised a cucumber and called it a gherkin, for want of a better name!! tee hee hee!!

Nancy at the Farm said...

Great pictures! We love "got'cha stories".

Love, Dozer and Cooper

Inky and Molly said...

Love the puppy shots. You both look edible! Enjoy the holidays and we'll be looking forward to catching you around in Jan!

Anonymous said...

Siiiiiiiigh, Booker! I just melt into a little puddle whenever I see your baby puppy pictures. Siiiiiiigh.

I luved reading how you and Asa and your pawrents all became a family. All of you sure were super lucky to find each other.

And I understands about taking a bloggie break since your momma is all full of the busys. But just don't forgets about me, okay?

I hope you're having the most wonderfulest Thanksgiving that ever was! And guess what? YOU are right at the top of my list of thankfuls this year!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

Cute little Booker puppy pictures!! And Miss Asa looks stunning as usual!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Elyse and Riley

Two French Bulldogs said...

Whar great stories!! Thank you for sharing them with us
Happee Thanksgiving
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your stories!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!
I will be waiting for your next post!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs

Doris Sturm said...

Awww, what cute puppy photos - I hope you had a most wonderful Thanksgiving, Booker Man, and that you and Asa got some extra special goodies to eat, because dogs are people too ;-) in fact, the way I see it, most dogs are better than some people!

Love you,
Gizzy and his mom, Doris !

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

KB said...

What a cute, cute puppy you were Booker. You reminded me of how much I want a yellow lab pup... just like you and like my departed yellow lab, S.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello booker man its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate story and pickchers!!! enjoy yore brake and see yoo soon!!! ok bye

Sagira said...

OMG...the puppy photos are TOO cute!

Aww..so sad that you will not be on much until January. We will miss you!

sprinkles said...

I'll miss y'alls but I'll still be here when you get back, promise!

Read your Coffee with a Canine interview. Great gotcha stories!

I love the puppy pictures! It's hard to believe they were ever that small.

I hope you and your family had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Mr. Booker, I am about 7 years old now. We have not recieved the card yet but probably because Thanksgiving day slowed down the mail. We will let you know when we get it!


Pee.s. Happy baking and tasting

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Booker! We got the card! Thanks for the extra dollar! Heehee!!

Brodie sends hugs to Asa


Scooter said...

Hey Booker Man!
Wow, that's a great story. I absolutely love your puppy pix. You two are soooo cute. Great stuff. I don't blame you for being all ready to do some serious taste testing. I just posted about that a few days back. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it! BOL Enjoy!
Grr and Woof,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I'm back from my Thanksgiving Holiday break. LOVE cutie puppy photo. Yes we did read you Canine Interview post. Yes the holidays ... busy busy busy ... I'm back but only for a short while ... going on a long break again. Enjoy for sure you guys are great tasters. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Booker! We have missed seeing you and Asa since mom can't visit from work anymore! We loved your story for Thanksgiving - and oh the pictures were just too darn cute for words! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Please tell Asa hi from us!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi guys! gave you an award on my blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hope y'all have a nice Holiday time!

Roo Roo, Stuart

Bella and Ollie said...

I'm sure your mama's baking will be delicious thanks to you helping her with the tasting, that's got to be one of the most enjoyable jobs ever !
Thank you so much for your card, we got it yesterday, what a nice place for a hike. Our Mom and Dad met while they were hiking in the French Alps; they love hiking, the mountains here in Australia are a bit far, but there are some lovely spots we go to during our vacations.
Love from Bella and Ollie.

Hoke said...

Oh my goodness what a tiny little thing you were!!! Love love love the story!! Happy bakin!! Hope you get to have some of those cookies that "fall on the floor" :)

Nova said...

I am such a sucker for puppy pics!!!