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Friday, November 19, 2010

fridays with asa: coffee with a canine

greetings, my fellow comrades!

alas, blogger is pitching a wee tantrum at the moment, and therefore, this shall be a terse post.  i simply wanted to inform you that my mom, booker, and i are featured today on coffee with a canine if you find yourself searching for an enjoyable read.
good day!

addendum: i send a plethora of gentle bisous to you, cher brodie.


George The Lad said...

Hey Booker I just saw your with your beauiful mom and Asa, I knows a bit more bout you now :) and it sure was an enjoyable read.
See Yea George xxx

Anonymous said...

Aww, Asa, I loved reading about you and Booker and your Momma on Coffee with Canines!

Elyse and Riley

♥ Sallie said...

Great interview!


Anonymous said...

Yippee! How exciting! I'm off to read your Most Awesome interview!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS.Please tell my darling Booker Man that he absolutely zero, zilch, nothing to worries about when it comes to that Pablo fellow. I only have eyes for one pawticularly handsome blonde labradude. Um, that would be Booker, just in case he wonders.

Sagira said...

You guys are famous! Can I have your pawtograph?

Ann said...

Well hello Asa, I enjoyed reading about you and your mom and Booker. What a great interview. We won't say anything about those embarrassing moments :)

Anonymous said...

I just read your interview and it was super wonderful! I luved getting to know all of you even better!

Oh, and my mom says to tell your mom that every time she goes to North Carolina to visit her BFF, she has to go to Bojangles and gets the sweet tea. We don't have them in Collie-rado and mom says nobuddy makes sweet tea better than them!

Wiggles & Wags,

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Thanks for the heads up, Asa!

pssst...Asa... You can't be that cute and pull off "terse" with any kind of credability...just sayin'

jen said...

Congrats on being featured. We are heading over their now!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, that is very exciting! I am headed there now.

Your pal, Pip

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Asa
Great interview.
We can't believe you got nutted on the noggin. You're never gonna live that one down, girlfriend.
Love Ruby & Penny

Doris Sturm said...

Boy, you guys sure do get around - Mr. Booker Man, you're rally bookin' and so am I. I'm loving this cool weather we've been having, so I'm getting out more and enjoying my looooong walks with mommy down by the lake :-)

Have a grrrrreat weekend, my friend.

Lots a love,
Gizzy and his mommy, Doris :-)

The Daily Pip said...

Asa - you cornered a opossum!!!! Those things scare the heck out of me (and mom).

Your pal, Pip

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, that was a wonderful interview. It was such fun reading all about both of you.

lotsa licks, Lola

K9 Katastrophie said...

My Darling Asa, I am enchanted by your new found fame! How beautiful you are... I thoroughly enjoyed reading coffee with a canine!!


Diana Chiew said...

We went straight over to the interview and we are back. That was interesting and we got to know all of you a little bit more!

Ina in Alaska said...

I enjoyed the interview very much! So glad Asa survived severe neglect & now enjoys such a loving home. Booker's story is also sweet. Lucky pups indeed!

Hugs & Smooches, Auntie Ina & the Alaskan Cousins xoxo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We'll head over there. We read the interview with the Fiesty dogs.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Zona said...

It was so fun reading all about you! Miss Asa, I can't believe that tree rat had the NERVE to throw that nut at you!! Grr...


Two Pitties in the City said...

So fun! I liked hearing how you got them. I didn't know Asa had such a tragic past.

KB said...

Loved the interview and learning some of your background! I can't imagine Booker in a laundry basket now... What a long-legged and big dog he has grown up to be!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I just came back from the Coffee thingy. Your mom did a SUPER job. You must be soooo very much proud of her.
Asa you are totally BRAVE for takin on that Awsome Possum thingy. That woulda scared the Squirrel Snot outta me.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, how exciting - we have really enjoyed these special coffee times. Off we go to read the interview.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Asa! I love the story on Coffee!!! That's too cool! Cool blog too!

Hope you have a good weekend!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great interview!!! Mom thinks that coffee sounds very delish! We all loved learning all about Asa and Bookers, especially their proudest and most embarrassing moments:) That made us smile:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Two French Bulldogs said...

cool, pawtograph please
Benny & Lily

rottrover said...

great interview, my furiends. have a wonderful weekend!

Lorenza said...

It was pawesome to read your interview!
Those embarrassing moments... I loved them!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

How exciting!!! It was an interesting interview and we were glad to see you, Asa and your mom.

kissa-bull said...

we loved it !!! AND we just love your smoochie kissabull face !!!

slobbery pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh congratulations!!! :)

We's just reads yous story and saw yous pretty's Momma and yous two and said - hey we's know 'dem peeps - hee hee...

great learning more!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Bella and Ollie said...

You look so pretty, Asa!
We hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Love, Bella & Ollie.

3 doxies said...

I's back from reading da interview...and boy was it fabulous!
I thinks Asa is my hero nows fur cornering dat possum...them things are mean as all get out! And fur some reason my mum thinks they is CUTE...bah!
Hehehehehee...Booker ran into da door....bwhahahahahahaha. Dat visoin I has in my head of him doin' da is priceless!


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Isn't Coffee With a Canine grrrreat! We're headed over to read your interview now!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Unknown said...

Miss Asa!

I enjoyed your interview very much, butt I can't beeleeve your mom had to share your most embarassing moments! BOL! Don't worry bout that squirrel binging you on da head with a pecan! I think you were very brave.....considering you were under aerial attack and all!


Scooter said...

Hey Asa and Booker Man!
Wow, you are famous now! I want your pawtograph. The article was great and I loved the pix of you both. I'm sooo excited for you. Thanks for sharing this with all of us...your fans.
Grr and Woof,

A MilShelb Mom said...

We're headed over to look at it!
~Milly and Shelby

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just saw your post on Coffee with a Canine, actually and I thought I'd come and say hello.


Your photos were beautiful. A pumpkin spice coffee sounds yummy right now.

I look forward to reading more!

The Life of Riley said...

Mum and I really enjoyed reading about you on Coffee with a Canine. We learnt all sorts of intersting things about you all.

Sending you lots of woofs,

sprinkles said...

Oh, I just LOVE Coffee with a Canine! I've noticed lots of my furiends on there lately.

I didn't know Asa had such a tragic past. So sad! I'm glad she's with you now and enjoying a wonderful doggie life.

Dexter said...

What do you mean Asa is pitching a tantrum? Hey, she's a girl, right? Who knows what gets into their brains?


Anonymous said...

Hi Booker and Asa! That was a fun coffee break :) I laughed my tail off at you runnin through the screen Booker and Asa havin the squirrel drop a pecan on your head! BOL!

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Mom will be emailin you a photo of me for your wall soon. Sometimes she's so slooooowwwwwww.

1000 Goldens said...

Asa, that is cool that Booker and Momma are famous. We hadn't heard of coffee with a canine before :)

BRUTUS said...

We'll go right over & check it out! We just got asked to appear on that blog as well - guess we are in good company!!

Brutus & Carmen

My Mind's Eye said...

Asa...what a great post...Mom loves coffee and she enjoyed having coffee with you and your beautiful Mom!!! Great Information!!!
Almost time for TAR..it is running late due to a dang football game
Happy Sunday evening,
Madi and Mom

Life With Dogs said...

Oh I remember those cranky blogger days...and I don't miss them. :)
Better luck this week, at least it's a short one!

booahboo said...

Awww... that's a lovely interview :) we love out coffee with our hoomans too... cos they are messy eaters :p

Looking beautiful Asa!

Unknown said...

Congrats we just saw the post!!! Yall look wonderful in your pictures! We enjoyed the article!

Cocorue said...

we loooove reading about you guys and feel that we Know you better....great interview

do come over for your award

coco and tiffy

Maureen said...

Holy whack-a-molie Asa! I can't believes that anyone would ever want to hurts you. I may be little but i'd bites them right on der ankle if I'z ever sees them!!

Butt you knows what I'z tinks Booker. I tinks that your momma didn't post your real and trues most embarrassment! I'll betz if she asked you, you would have toldz her it was DAT PHOTO! You knowz da one I'm talkin' abouts!! DAT PHOTO!!!

Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

Inky and Molly said...

We loved reading the story of your lives. Isn't it amazing how fate or whatever brings us all together and voila, we have a perfect family!
Hey, mumsie, you didn't need to blap about the embarrassing moments to the world though, did you now?!
We did have giggle though, soz, Asa and Bookmeister.
Love, I & M