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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

wordless wednesday: hooray for the world cup!! (a.k.a. -- the picture my mama should have posted in the first place!)


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! GREAT! We're watching the games too. Our neighbor are from South America. The kids are very nice n plays with me. They have cool colorful different kinds of soccer balls. Have FUN. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

3 doxies said...

Being da snot of a doxie girl thats I am...I liked da other pikture. Maybe I should say I laughed instead of liked...hehehehe! Howevers, you is most hansome in this foto...your ball is kinda flat looking though...hehehe!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

You do look much more dignified in today's picture Booker, but let's face it, yesterday's picture is in a class by itself...

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Maxmom said...

Dignity restored! :)
Sending lotsaluv to you all.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

This if a grrrreat Soccer Pic... BUTT I saw nothing wrong with the pic. yesterday. Multi Tasking is a wonderful thingy.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Booker you look MOST Handsome and athletic in that picture. But then, you looks that way no matter WHAT you're doing. (wink) I'm not much into soccer balls but maybe I would be if you were around to teach me.

Wiggles & Wags,

koko said...

Now that's a more regal post, booker... love the bandana.

Licks, hero

Two Pitties in the City said...

That is a nice picture. It looks like you're a tough player and really damaged that ball.

BRUTUS said...

Wow - did you play the air right out of that ball? It looks deflated, but you look elated BOL! Maybe you could help out the US team- heard their goalie had some hurt ribs!

Brutus the Frenchie

Unknown said...

What a handome Booker there. Tell you mom to get you another ball, it's no good now. I love your bandana too!

Jake of Florida said...

Bookerman, you are quite handsome in this photo -- but the ball has obviously seen better days.

We hadn't seen the "other photo" so we went back to look. Since lots of folks must have reading material for those special "private" moments, we decided your holding on to the ball while doing your business might be the canine equivalent of reading a magazine. Invasion of privacy? Yes. Irresistible? Yes!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Mack and Mia said...

This picture is WAAAAAAAAAY better than yesterdays!

I dunno what it is with two-leggers and potty pictures! They even did that to our little boy!!

WEIRDOS! Don't they know we have reputations to hold up! I hope Mayzie didn't see yesterdays photo , if woo know what I mean...

Wags and woofs,
mack and Mia

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think deflating the ball probably would get you kicked out of the World Cup ...

Ms. ~K said...

We think your soccer ball is dead!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Zona said...

Oh!! I didn't know you were playing in these games! I'll have to tune in now...


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Lookin' Good Mr. Bookerman!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Unknown said...

OMD OMD OMD!!!Booker, We labradawgs are ROFL!!!!
Buddy carries one or the other of his toys EVERYWHERE!But Mummy wouldn't allow him to carry any while outside coz it gets dirty and he would carry it to bed!
Thank DOG your Mummy has compensated (for posting that private picture) in today's post.you look no less than any of those football stars with your ball and in your bandana.


PS: Bud here..Dude,did your mummy ask for your consent before she posted that private pic!!?

Unknown said...

Hey! we are back because we want to talk to ASA.
Sorry, Asa. we are late here. but you know how mummy can be sometimes.
We loved you potpourrie post. Ginger too has an aversion to the camera and that is why she appears less happy in her photos than she usually is.
your garden looks so so delicious!home grown veggies!SIGH!No chance here.we have horribly hot weather most of the time in this part of the country.
and we are so very glad your wound has healed and your lovely fur has grown back.
heaps of hugs from mummy and wags from us,
gin n bud

sprinkles said...

Personally, I liked both pictures! But I can see why you might be embarassed about the other one.

Looks like you played all the air out of your soccer ball, time for a new one!

Remington said...

I don't know much about soccer but if it involves running and a ball -- I am there! Your picture yesterday was priceless! ha ha!

houndstooth said...

Go World Cup! That's a great picture of you, and much more dignified than that other picture!


P.S. I wrote a post for Friday with pictures just for you!

little princess Luna~ said...

BOL~! oooooh bookie darling, you always make me smile. :)


Sagira said...

Time for some soccer!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We all have THOSE days and poses. Glad to see your human is back to showing the REAL you....you handsome labradude!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

JD and Max said...

Hi Booker - oh, GREAT photo dude. You are SO cool! And that previous photo. What previous photo?! We know nothing about any compromising shot - honest! Tee hee hee! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Golden Samantha said...

GREAT photo for the World Cup, Booker! Love the bandana too - you look terrific!
Hugs xoxoxo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Fear not!

We know how 'they' khan be!

What a great pikh!


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Now that's a great photo. You look so ready to play. Goooooal!

wags, Lola

fromsophiesview said...

What....you squeezed the life outta that poor ball...GOOOOD for you!!!!

Lorenza said...

Much better, Booker!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You must have scored big, Booker - you look very happy and proud there.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pat Wahler said...

Is it just me or does the ball look a little lopsided?


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

You make a furry handsome soccer player, Booker!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Amy & the house of cats said...

So cute! It looks like you had a lot of fun with that ball - well, the ball might not agree on that though! But you look adorable!

Unknown said...

BookerMan that is a most pawsome piktur of you!

And you very much learned the Germans right on my bloggie post. You gets an A+!


houndstooth said...

Booker Man, to answer your questions, we do give our toys a pretty good workout, but the bunnies are pretty durable. They've outlasted some of our destuffing friends for a while. Lilac has one old ratty one that she's had for six years and worn it down bald in spots! We're not big destuffers here, though. It's hard for me to say exactly.


Anonymous said...

I love this photo! It's happy and it makes me think you personally won the world cup!