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Friday, June 18, 2010

fridays with asa: a fond farewell to my nuzzle nest

my dearest nuzzle nest,
you have served me valiantly over the past several years.  no other bed could possibly surpass your luxurious berbery softness and your lofty, enveloping stuffing.  we have shared a beautiful camaraderie, you and i.
whether a hearty slumber,

an efficient 10 minute power nap,

or simply a comfortable place to rest my bottom and contemplate life,
you have been an ever loyal bastion of security and comfort.  for this, i owe you an immense amount of gratitude.
with sorrow, my mom has brought to my attention that she is no longer able to stitch you back together.  i have lovingly pawed you with so much affection that your berber has become worn with holes and your insides have spewed forth.  therefore, i must sadly bid you adieu.  my sincerest hope will be to discover a suitable replacement that will always remind me of you, my dearest nuzzle nest.  perhaps my fellow friends who are reading this would be able to suggest a viable option for a new bed of which you would approve?

with love and affection, i shall remain forever yours in spirit.


Nubbin' Tails said...

Oh Asa ~ the loss of a good bed can be so heartbreaking. That is why we just use mom and dad's couch and chair. We are pretty sure they won't get rid of those. However as a back up we have wonderful bed's that mom gets a Costco. They are cheap so she gets 2 and stacks them.


Mr. Nubbin'

Amy & the house of cats said...

Asa it is so sad when a good bed has to be put out to pasture! It reminds us of a kitty bed we saw at the Kool Kitties blog, and they got it at Drs Fosters and Smiths - you should check out their website. It also kinda looks like our cat beds (which is why we noticed the Kool Kitties beds) that we got at Pet Supplies Plus (they are technically dog beds). We know that the cat version at Drs Fosters comes in a 32" size, but we don't know how big you need or how poofy you really want - but it looks like there are doggie versions too. We wish you good luck - we know that a good bed is hard to find!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sometimes it's harder to let go than others. Losing a grrrreat bed is soooo difficult. At least you have grrrreat pictures, Asa.
PeeS... I sure hope that you play the NameGame, beclaws I am really curious about how your both got your names.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It is hard to let go some things that are dear to you. I'm on my 3rd bed n love the comfort of it. what's neat is that you can wash it of course not the stuffs inside. Also now a days I've been sleeping on the forbidden sofa oooops!!! If you need help purchasing a new bed email us will be glad to help you out and provide you a discount. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

So sorry asa that you have to relinquish your beloved bed.we have backup beds which we only use when we are not using mummy and daddy's. mummy made them for us. they are filled with sponge stuffing and are nice, but not nicer than the master bed which has so many pillows and cushions we like to snooze on.
hope you get a new bed which you will really love.
gin n bud

fromsophiesview said...

I have a wonderful bed from L.L.Bean made of memory foam...I feel like I'm floating on a cloud and I do share it once in awhile...check their website!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

It is always a sad day when your bed is no longer with you. :( I has 3 of thems around my house. My favorite is the one that fits in a corner. Mom got it from Orvis. Good luck on your search.

Woofs and Lick,
Maggie Mae

Ruby and Penny said...

Oh this is sad news Asa. Maybe your mom could make a new cover for it and just slip it on like a pillow case. Then you wouldn't have to say goodbye.
Love Ruby & Penny

3 doxies said...

Wells now Miss Sassypants it looks like you is in a pickle...Why can't you just takes your mom and dad's bed. I mean afteralls, they is da one getting rid of YOUR bed...it's only right. Am I right or am I wrong?
Ummmm, would you kindly NOT lets your mom see this comment.

Anonymous said...

RIP, little nuzzle nest. Oh, and I agrees with Puddles. A human bed is a TERRIFIC replacement for a dog bed. I knows your mom and dad luvs you a lot so I doubt very much that they would mind sleeping on the floor. But remembers if they starts whining or carrying on down there, to just ignore 'em cuz you don't want to start any bad habits or anything.

Wiggles & Wags,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We can't get up on the big bed without assistance. We do have beds, but we like sleeping on couches, chairs, towels, dirty laundry (that's the best), or anything we find. Hope your new bed is comfy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Sagira said...

Do you have a new one on the way?

Anonymous said...

this is sad news indeed... how will you cope??

Zona said...

My condolences. Another vote for the two-leggers bed!! My backup bed for awhile was a hand-me-down from Inthecompanyofdogs.com but when it was destuffed by a puppy I live with... :( It was never replaced. Mom said those beds cost too many green papers as a sometimes bed. Pfft.. can you believe that? The bed was sure comfy tho!


Inky and Molly said...

oh heavens, what a loss. Well, you are just gonna have to substitute with the pinkie's bed...hehehe

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Asa, a change of bed is a most serious matter. Beds are so very impawtent. But on the bright side, there's really nothing like a brand new one. At least I enjoy getting new ones very much. Ideally, you can go help pick one out, but otherwise, it's just a matter of preference. I like to be able to stretch out on mine. It appears you like to snuggle into yours. Humans need to take those preferences into consideration and get moving on your brand new bed and all will be well.

wags, Lola

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Asa, I am so sorry you had to give up your bed. I have beds all over my house but I like to lay on my big leather chair in front of the patio door the best.

Mommy had a feather pillow that she kept until she was in her 30s. If you don't mind Mommy would like to do a post about your bed and her pillow, if we can borrw a few pictures.


ps.....Mommy sent you an e-mail just now about kissa bull

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Mabel Lou has NINE beds in here. I always buy extra covers (and I've been known to beg my mother to make her grandbaby extras!). The covers are great because I can wash them and spray the inner bed with cedar oil (fleas hate that!) to freshen things up.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm sure some pup akhross The Rainbow Bridge will appreciate the khomfy nuzzle nest this evening!


Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

That's sad but I'm glad you had a nice time with it for a long time! You will have good memories!

Deborah said...

AWWW, I never gave a bed any thoughts like that, but now I will...
Have a good weekend!

houndstooth said...

Few things are quite as traumatic as losing a good bed just as you've gotten it broken in! We've seen your kind of bed called a snuggle ball and Bowser's Ball before.



Bella and Ollie said...

Sorry to hear about your snuggle nest. how dissapointing.
I have recently gotten a new bed.
I miss my old one and the way it smells.

I hope you find another comfy bed :)

Love, Bella.

George The Lad said...

Hi I'm George,just popped over from Frankie's blog yes your name game wiget is fine, I'm a WT from the UK and will be joining in the name game, sorry that your beds gotter go, it takes a while to wear a new one in.
See Yea George xxx

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're losing your beloved bed. I understand it's hard in the beginning but I'm sure you'll feel better soon. Do you have a new bed with you now? It might not smell, feel, taste the same as the old one but give it a little time, you'll find it's almost as good as or even better than the old one.

Cheer up!!!

Dexter said...

That is so sad. Sometimes my beds get very flat and momma insists on getting me new and fluffy ones. I always miss my old flat beds.


The Oceanside Animals said...

"Alas, poor nuzzle nest; I knew him, Booker Man!"

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asa!
I am so sorry to know about your beloved bed! Sounds like you gave it too much love!
I hope you find a new one that makes you feel happy, warm and comfy!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asa, we just got new beds a few weeks ago. Our old ones were wonderful, all broken in and so comfy, but they were more than 10 years old and the Momster said they had to go. They were from L.L. Bean. The new ones are from the Bean too but we don't like them as much. Phantom won't sleep on them at all, and Ciara and TD are slowly breaking them in - they sleep on one together. But we can really vouch for the durability.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ms. ~K said...

That's just sad!!!
Good luck finding a suitable replacement...in the meantime, we suggest you sleep w/ your pawrents!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Anonymous said...

RIP Nuzzle Nest.

1000 Goldens said...

What a wonderful tribute to your nuzzle nest Asa - it looked like a heavenly bed :(

Anonymous said...

Maybe we'll meet "Frankenstein's bed" at the rainbow bridge. We'll sniff it out! BOL