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Friday, December 14, 2012

like the coolest thingie evarrr!

hihi everybuddy!  my mama got a bloggie post in her email feed thingie the other day, and it is really super neato!
For their Driving Dogs campaign, SPCA Auckland, along with MINI New Zealand, had animal trainer Mark Vette and his team teach rescue dogs MontyPorter, and Ginny how to drive. The campaign’s aim was to change some common misconceptions about the intelligence of rescue dogs. In this series of videos, you can see how the dogs learned to drive and, in this video, you can watch Porter drive a MINI Countryman around a track. The specially modified was customized for the dog’s use by Ikon Engineering.  (via Laughing Squid)
porter, monty, and miss ginny are the three lucky ducky doggies who got to go drivin'!  aren't they all kinds of crazy cuteness?  i hope they find their forevarrr homes in like 2 seconds.  they can even drive themselves there! teeheehee.
All three dogs
photo by Driving Dogs

you can go to laughing squid to see the whole bloggie post and all the pictures and videos!  it is totally amazeballs!!!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We saw that video last week too and really cracked ourselves up over it!

Good to see you again! Have a great holiday season!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! yes we saw and shared on SPH FB page. Good to see a blog post from you. Hope you guys are well. Is you momma busy making delicious cakes. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

rottrover said...

Hey Bookerman!! We'll go over and watch the videos! Maybe WE coiuld learn to drive and then come visit YOU and ASA!! Happy Holidays!!

-Bart and Ruby

rottrover said...

We LOVED those videos, Booker! Thanks!!

-B & R

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We saw those on the morning show here....we think our legs might be too short....BOL!

Good to hear from you! Have a great Christmas.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Ann said...

They are adorable. I'll go check out the link

The Life of Riley said...

New Zealand dogs like to lead the way!

My last post has the full LIVE on TV thing that the dogs did - check out the face of the reporter in the car driven (off road even!) by a dog!

I now want my own car or at least some lessons,
Riley (from NZ)

Dexter said...

It's about time.


Anonymous said...

Hey Booker!

I wanted to stop by to wish you and your family a




woos, Tessa

Maureen said...

I got 2 words for you:

Road trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Holidays Booker & Asa!

Your Pal,

Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz

Anonymous said...

Ha! Yes I got to see that. Pretty dang cool :)

Wishing you and your peeps a very Merry Christmas Booker! :D

Waggin at ya,

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello booker man its dennis the vizsla dog hay now dada is singing sumthing abowt how yoo can drive his car but i am pritty shoor he wood not in fakt let me do that!!! but stil they ar a nice looking krew those three!!! ok bye

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Asa, I hope you are well. I wanted you to know that the vet says that I have cancer. My humans are very upset. But I tell them not to worry because I still have some time left here on earth and when my time comes I will wait for them in Heaven.
