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Thursday, June 16, 2011

the campin' extravaganza continues!

so in case you need a mind refreshification, me and asa and mama and daddy were campin' and had just made it through a mega storm that lasted all night!  daddy got our camp fire blazin' again, and we had a way delish breakfast of bacon 'n eggs!  nommy!
the storm had passed and left a most beautimous 'n sunshiney day, so we decided to go on a big hike.  we picked a trail called the nature walk that would take us through the woods and by the shores of lake hartwell.

me 'n asa decidin' which trail to take!

we set off with asa leadin' the way cuz she is the bestest navigator!

follow the leader!

at first, i was a smidge full of the nervosity since there were all these super skinny wooden bridges to cross.  even way brave asa wasn't too sure about them. 

i don't know how i feel about this...
asa tried to go into the ditch instead of across the bridge!

but there were seriously like 50 gazillion of these bridge thingies, so we had to get used to them really quick like!

we've so got this down now!
we're not scared of you anymore, little wooden bridge!

asa was feelin' uber spunky.  she's gonna be 9 years old in october, but look at her jump this log!  9 is the new 4!  teehee.

she's got ups!

we came out of the woods right up on the shore of lake hartwell.  mama was too slow with the camera, but right when we approached, a hooge 'n handsome grrreat blue heron stared us down and then took off into the sky!!

the heron was snooterin' around in the waters lookin' for fishies!
this is a grrreat blue heron!  thankies to wikipedia for this pic!

asa went crazy go nuts over the heron, and dragged mama to the water.  asa sniffed 'n sniffed everywhere.  i did, too.  we were really interested cuz we had nevarrr evarrr seen a grrreat blue heron before!

after our heron sighting, we were all gettin' the rumblies in our tummies, so we headed back to camp to make lunch.  i overheard mama say somethingie to daddy about goin' back to the lake for swimmies after lunch!!!



How Sam Sees It said...

What a pretty place to hike!


Amber-Mae said...

OOOH you guys had so much fun! I am feeling so jelly. I've never gone camping before.

Unknown said...

It seems there were loads of adventures and all of you had so much fun! The camp site is so beautiful!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Glad da stormies went away so you could have's a purrfect day...(I made a rhyme) BWHahahahahahah

houndstooth said...

What a fantastical place to go hiking! I think you and Asa picked a great trail!


Anonymous said...

What a Grrrreat camping trip Booker and Asa! I cannot wait to hear more.

Are you restin up for the Picnic in the Bark?? Sure hope so!

Pawty On....Tessa

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I really do understand about how excited you got over the Heron!! I used to see them all the time when I had my pontoon boat... They were like something from Jurassic Park when they screech/honked and fur sure when they FLEW!!

What a Grrrreat time you had. I LOVE how brave you BOTH were over the scary wooden bridges!!!

sprinkles said...

That blue herron is really pretty.

Y'all had such a fun adventure on your camping trip. You were much more brave than my boys would've been.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great adventure. You sure are brave over those little bridge thingys. We probably have stayed scared.

We would have love to chase that big bird!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Waitin' to see if you went swimmin'

Sagira said...

Sure does look like you guys had a great time camping!

Terrorzinhos said...

Great place to go hiking!
You are so lucky!

Emma Rose said...

We love to go camping too. It sure looks like you are having fun! What a wonderful place to camp. You even get to swim! Wow, I am so jealous. We never get to swim :( Looking forward to more pictures!

Emma Rose

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Booker! What an adventure! And my darling Asa is as young and pretty as a spring chicken!


Kristin G. said...

Way to conquer your little, tiny bridge fears! I knew you could do it. I'm looking forward to the rest of your saga. Happy Thursday!

Hoke said...

Swimmin in the lake!! Are you part duck?! I would sink to the bottom and they make me wear this stupid life jacket if i'm anywhere near the water...I look like a little kid but little do they know, I wouldn't go in the water if you paid me all the bones and treats in the world. Have fun!!!

Zona said...

What a great place to hike!! I'm glad you didn't let those bridges slow you down. And aren't camping breakfasts the bestest?!?


Two French Bulldogs said...

your camping is so much fun.
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

Good camp trip and hike! We have a Blue Heron that comes around here. He is very pretty, but he likes our fancy fish...bad birdy!

Unknown said...

What an awesome trip!!!!!! You two are sooooooo full of da luckiness!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Mabel loves to chase herons too! You and your sissy were so brave with those tiny little bridges! Can't wait to read more!!

Anonymous said...

Super woodsy walkie! Y'all did real well conquering those skinny bridges!

Waggin at ya,

koko said...

Wow, that was some pawsome camping outing you guys had with your family... bridges, wild sniffpedition and herons, so much funsies. Can't wait for the next installment :)

Licks, hero

K9 Katastrophie said...

Heeheee!! I just dunked you Booker!!!!! Let's see who can get more dunks!


Oskar said...

Best adventure of the year. I hope I get to go camping with my people this summer!

Nubbin wiggles,

Road Dog Tales said...

This is so exciting! We wanna go camping again! Looks like you're having tons of FUN! We'll be back to see what happens next! Glad the smores didn't get soaking wet! Oh, yeah, Mom used to go to Lake Hartwell when she was a youngster so she knows where you're talking about! Wish we had a lake that big in our yard!

The Road Dogs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nice hike but I take after my mom on this khamping thing - I like the great INDOORS fur nighttime!


Lorenza said...

I'd be nervous with all those small bridges!
Glad you enjoyed your walkie!
And a splashing time too!
Kisses and hugs

24 Paws of Love said...

Looks like you had a great time! We'd be a little nervous about those little bridges too, but it looks like you handled them just fine.