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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the mega exciting conclusion of bark to the park!

okie dokie, so at the end of my last postie, i was woofin' that it was time to leave bark to the park.  i was pretty bummed as we walked towards the entrance/exit to the park.  remember how i mentioned that finlay park has a really cool waterfall?  this is what it looks like.

thankies to google!

it's super duper nifty!  i always want to play in it, but mama has nevarrr let me.   well, she must have realized how down in the dumps i was about leavin', so she said that i could investigate the waterfall!  woohoo!  i sniffed around and got my toesies wet.  then mama took some glamor shots of me.  check out my epic tongue stickin' out talents...it was pretty warm outside!!

mama 'n daddy loaded me up in the car after the picture takin' was all done.  i thought we were goin' home, but then we turned a different direction!  since it was so warm outside, mama 'n daddy decided they would take me to the saluda river for swimmies!  SQUEEEEEE!  forget those little evil plastic pool thingies -- this is what i'm woofin' about!!

our local dam sends waters into the saluda river, so that means it is mega chilly willies, especially now since it's not summer yet!  i got cooled off really really fast like jumpin' in to fetch my new tennis ball.  in fact, it was so cold, i was kinda hesitatin' to go all the way in, but i totally got over that.  teehee. 
we went home after that, and mama gave me a bath cuz she said i was muddy 'n stuff.  i didn't even mind cuz she washed me out on the deck, and i was kinda sorta tired.  BOL!  once i got all dried off, i decided to pose with my loots from bark to the park!  here's my new colar, my cup of chicken liver 'n salmon treatsies, some milkbones, my tennis ball, and some wellness foodable samples!

one sec, mama, i just need to inspect these treatsies really quick like.
okie dokie, ready for my official loots portrait!

mama wanted me to model my new collar, too.  you get a front view and a side view so you can really get the full viewin' experience.  oh, and aren't my furs way fluffy from my bath?  heeheehee.

and that was my super duper mega awesome sauce bark to the park saturday!  it was the bestest, and i can't wait to do it again next year!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a totally awesome-sauce time!! Too bad Asa gets so nervous...you gotta have a talk with her about that! :)

We read the other posts, but didn't have time to comment on them, so we'll just comment here for all three of them!

You look MARVELOUS after your bath! I just want to squeeze you!

Elyse and Riley

sprinkles said...

Wow, that was a fun day. I felt like I was right there with you the whole time! The video really helped with that too. I didn't think you were gonna get the ball when your dad threw it way out.

Yep, I was right - you really do look handsome with your new collar and especially after that bath! I bet you smelled really good too.

That's a beautiful park. There's one near me that has a beautiful waterfall kind of like that. I don't know why but I haven't been there in awhile. I sent my camera in to be fixed under warranty last week. Maybe when I get it back, I should go to the park and take some pix.

I'm glad you had such an awesome sauce Bark to the Park Saturday!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Booker...you are quite the swimmer. Mom and I are very proud of you for being so brave to fetch the ball way far out buttttt hey the Dad keeps throwing it you might consider making him get it one time. MOL Michael Phelps should consider you a serious contender for the Gold!!!
Hugs Madi
PS Mom here..If Madi doesn't show her sincere appreciation soon. I'll put it on eBay...just kidding.

Oh I bought yarn today to make an almost 2 year old Fashion Diva a hot pink curly scarfy for her 2nd bday on April 29. She LOVES pink and is a girly girl. I'm making it a little less than 1/2 the lenbht of yours. Yours had 203 chaings her has 113. I'll try to remember to send you a picture of it.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Scooter said...

Hey Booker Man!
Wow, what a pawesome park...love that waterfall! That is a way cool video of you water-dog self in action! I bet it was cold, but I also bet it was worth it. You look just great!! Any water is good water!
Grr and Soggy Woof,
Sarge, COP

houndstooth said...

That looks like the perfect ending to the day to me! I'd have napped all day the next day if that had been me, but I'd have loved every minute of it. Your new collar looks great, too!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I just love your header pic.. Now speaking of Wowser Water... what a perfect way fur your big day to end. I LOVE your video. So much fun in such a short time!!! You really packed it in... sort of like you did with your terrific LOOT!!!
THANKS fur sharing all this excitement with us. NOW>>> we are all spoiled and will want MORE three banger adventures!!! I'm just sayin'.

Hoke said...

Holy treats!!! You get all that for walking in the parks....??? I'm gonna have to have a word with my peeps!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Really nice pics...I luvs your new collar. You looks so good in blue!

Doris Sturm said...

What a great day you had Bookoer Man. You're a real good swimmer and retriever and so brave - I would never!!! M-mmmm - not me! You see, I'm sort of water shy, but mommy loves me anyway!

Enjoy your week!
Your pal,
Gizzy (and his mom, the typist!)

Diana Chiew said...

We have enjoyed your fun day too! We love your video...playing fetch in the river and the water is so clear. You are really handsome!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

As we started to read this post, we were so struck by how beautifully you posed on the rocks of the waterfall, but then the pics just kept getting better and better. Awesome photoshoot, Booker!!! So many gorgeous shots of handsome you.

Dad was treating you easily by not throwing the ball too far out, but we think Mom was hoping for a big toss. You are a great swimmer, but we think maybe that water was a bit chilly:)

We hope you have many more fun days like that one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Booker mannnnn! Hhehehe, seems like you had a BALL of a time at the park! You're looking good, bro. & what a loot of great things you got there!


kissa-bull said...

wowsers you hit the jackpot wiff all the nommies and fangtastical collar. we must admit though that we are weary of the waterfall . we tink is furry much pawsome looking but anythingie that contains the waters is not the pittie packs furryend. tee hee hee
do you know how to make bubbles in the water??? bol

pibble wiggles
the pittie pack

Unknown said...

You look so handsome in your blue collar!! I think the color really suits, you Mr Booker!!

And I jut loved seeing you so happy in the water!!

Those treats look real yummy! Mind sharing some? :)

booahboo said...

Tat sure is a very nice cool day out with your momma and daddy... and you get swimmies too.. that's a total 100 gazillion hours with your hoomans... i bet Asa would be so jealous of yous.... i think you look awesomely spiffy in that new collar.. now Mayzie gonna drool over that last picture of yous.. hehhehehee... Awesome sauce that's what you are Booker!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Booker, you looks sooooo very Most Handsome in your new collar! I just luvs that color on you!

I luved watching that movie of you. But I don't blame you for not wanting to go in that cold waters after your ball. But you did it! You're so brave and athletic-like. Siiiigh.

I'm awful glad you had such a super terrific day!

Wiggles & Wags,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bet Mayzie (and a few other girls) are going to snaffle some of these pin up pictures. You are totally handsome, dude.

Your river looks a lot cleaner than ours. We always have to have the dreaded B-A-T-H after we swim 'cause SHE says we smell.

What a fantastic day. Too bad Asa is shy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Amber-Mae said...

OH Booker, that looked like SO much fun! I totally enjoyed watching you play fetch in that water. We 4 Goldens will leap straight into the water without any hesitation, freezing cold or not! We have done it before. It is so furry cool! You look real snazzy in that blue collar. You look very manly!

Two French Bulldogs said...

That is one cool park you got there. Cool collar
Benny & Lily

rottrover said...

hehehehe! We loved how you didn't want to go into the water, but you really, really wanted your ball!! What a good boy you are. And dude. You totally look like K posing on those rocks! Thanks for sharing your pawsome day with us!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby (sigh...)

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Booker, those shots by the waterfall are definitely centerfold material! Your mom and dad sure know how to show you a good time.

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Booker, that was like totally braves of you to get into that cold water. I am like so excited that you hads such a good time!


Road Dog Tales said...

We would totally love playing in that water! It looks like you had the bestest fun day ever! Maybe you can talk your Mom & Dad into doing that every Saturday, hmmmm?

The Road Dogs

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Booker...oh you asked and ye will receive an answer about my pose on today's blog. Mom says it looks like I have boobs so she calls ie my boobs pose. I on the other hand am more dignified than mom my answer to your question is .....I'm double jointed and it is one of my fav positions to be in. The littel pink scarf is nearly finished. Mom is hoping it is the right length. She doesn't know any little kids to measure it on.

MOL Madi

Amy & the house of cats said...

hi Bookerman! We have missed seeing you and Asa while we were not able to visit! We hope you are all doing good! We think that park looks pretty awesome - and you look great in your glamor shots! And that new collar is super cool on you!!

Zona said...

What wonderful pictures!! Looks like a fun park to visit. Did you share any of those yummies with Asa? Umm... have any left over to share with me maybe??


Tracy said...

what a beauty!

I really enjoyed visiting your site...very cute!
Since you like dogs, check out my book about our golden retriever :)

Ann said...

You had one super terrific day Booker. And what a loot you brought home. Lucky dog.

Asta said...

That was mega pawsome
I loved youw pawk and seeing you have so much fun.Youw tongue is vewy bootiful and I love youw official pawtwaits
I hope you get to go again and wepeat the whole expewience, inclooding that gweat swim
smoochie kisses

Kristin G. said...

So cool!! Way to go Booker! I'm glad you had fun. I loved that waggy tail of yours!

George The Lad said...

What us dogs have to put up with, your mom saying throw it farther!!
Just so you have to swin!! tut tut, good video anyway;)
your collar look the biz to ;)
See Yea George xxx

Dexter said...

I don't think water can ever be too cold for a labradork to go swimming, right? You just don't feel a thing with that nice warm fur.


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

What a super dooper time you had Bookerman! And you thought of your sweet sissy too! You are such a good boy!

So glad you got to go swimmies!