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Monday, April 11, 2011

bark to the park *OR* my super duper special afternoon with mama 'n daddy!

so like i woofed in my last post, this past saturday was my town's bark to the park!  since my big sis asa gets full of the nervosity 'n anxiousnesses in big crowds of hoomans and/or doggies, it's become a tradition that i get to spend a special afternoon all by myself with mama 'n daddy.  i do miss havin' my big sis with me, but i'm not gonna lie, it's way funsies to have mama 'n daddy all to myself for an afternoon!  besides, i totally promised asa to bring her back 50 gazillion of the bestest treatsies to sample.
okie dokie, so friday night was like the longest night evarrr!  i couldn't snooze at all, and i just kept floppin' around like a fish.  finallyyyyy, it was saturday mornin'.  i let mama 'n daddy sleep in super late 'til 5:30am.  then i goosed them with my gooey nose to let them know it was time to get movin'!!  mama gave me the mega hairy eyeball and told me we weren't leavin' the house 'til noon cuz daddy had to coach his team of two-leggers playin' soccer first.  then mama 'n daddy rolled over and started snoozin' again.  *siiiigh*  i tried and tried and tried to snooze.  i must have for a little bit cuz i woke up again at 8am, and mama 'n daddy were up!  woohoo!
while daddy was coachin' at his soccer game, me 'n asa snoopervised mama doin' the laundries and mopin' the floors.  when she pulled out the evil vacula, though, we went and hid in the kitchen just to be safe.  by the time mama was done, daddy was on his way home, so i started gettin' ready to go!  i picked out a super spiffy bandana to wear:

isn't it totally fab?  it makes me feel all hawaiian-ish, and i love the little pocket thingie for any top secret stashes i might have.  heehee.  my BFF's miss ginger, buddy, and shadow sent it to me!  their mama made it, and she also made a pretty red one with a flower for my big sis asa!
anywho, daddy got home pretty quick like, and he 'n mama got asa all comfy cozy with her bed 'n blankey in a hooge sunshiney patch in front of the patio door.  then they loaded me up in the car, and off we went to bark to the park, which is held at a super duper cool place called finlay park.  it has a little lake and a waterfall, too, which i'll show you laters.

thankies to google!

here's me 'n daddy smilin' for mama in front of the entrance!  i'm wearin' my stoopid halti cuz mama says i still spazz out when i meet doggies 'n hoomans sometimes.  whatevs!

manly men!

first like, we went to the center ring to watch some of the contests goin' on!  this was the schedule:

i totally would have won best tail wagger!!  too bad we didn't get there until after noon.  we hung out and watched all the way through to best costume.  these dudes won for best costume -- they went as a hot dog (tube steak for mr. frankie!!!), ketchup, and mustard!  BOL!

it was pretty warm by then, so mama and daddy took me over to the pools for some refreshments.  for some reason, though, i just DO NOT like those plastic pool thingies.  they totally give me the jibblies!  mama kept tryin' to get me to go in, but i planted myself to the ground.  teehee.

but it's an evil plastic pool thingie!!  please don't make me, mama!!

fortunately, one of the nice volunteer ladies saw me in my distresses and offered to gently rain the cool waters over my back with a bucket.  thankies, miss volunteer lady for your kindnesses and for not bein' dorky like my mama!

ahhhhhh!  now that's what i'm woofin' about!

after being refreshified, i was ready to continue explorin' and visitin' and stuff.  you would not believe who i met!



Pippen said...

Total excitement, Dude! Not sure if we like this 'to be continued' stuff...

Sam and Pippen

jen said...

That looks like so much fun Booker!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

What an awesome day (after all the waiting) Can't wait for part 2 and to see what kind of treats you picked out for Asa!

Terrorzinhos said...

It seems that you had lot's of fun!!!
That shot with the " hot dog " is something special!!!

Have a nice week!

Wyatt said...

What a fun event! We are staying tuned for part 2!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Ina in Alaska said...

We agree with you Cousin Booker Man! 5:30 am is very late to wake up on a Saturday morning....

What a fun event! Auntie Ina was chuckling about the Saturday morning chores and the evil vacula!!! Your smallest Alaskan Cousin, Jeter, is very brave when the EV appears! He fiercely protects all the cousins from it, he is not at all afraid of its noisy largeness or the fact that it could suck him up too!!!

Tee hee, we look forward to Chapter 2 and Asa's report on what she was dreaming about while you were away. Love, Auntie Ina and the Alaskan Cousins

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Oh Booker!! It looks like you had such a fun weekend at the Bark at the Park!! Can't wait to read the next part!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

booahboo said...

who didya met who didya met... was it Sugar?? teeheehee... you do live near Sugar rite? must be missy Sugar :D

booahboo said...

i dun like them plastics thingies they call pools too.. they spook me too :)

one very the importants questions... how come the bark the doggie fella became yellow when it was green in them poster.. teeheehehee.. i am the thinkings... they dip the poster doggie in yellow paints.. do you thinks?

booahboo said...

we will be here waitings for your to be continued story... zzzzZZZZZ... ops!.. its midnight here.. i'll snooze a bit first... zzzZZZZzz

woofs n licks,

our love to Missy Asa :) hope your brought her lotta treats and noms and noms and super noms!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh what fun!!!! I wish we had something cool like that!!!

Hope you got lotsa goodies!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Booker oh my stars today I wish I was a K9. You had way too much fun for one Lab.

As for getting the folks up when you want them up .....have you tried jumping on their bladder? It is very effective.
Waiting with baited breath for part II.
Hugs Madi

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Booker Buddy... I am so very much thankful that you remembered to refer to that thingy as a TUBE STEAK.. Whew. You are the bestest.

I really LOVED the pawt of the day that you have shown us so far. It is wonderful... and you surely do look FANGtastical in your new bandana!! I would have put a Milkbone in that super pocket thingy. What did YOU put in there?

I think that water squirter thingy is sooooo much better fur coolin down that the scary plastic pond.
You RAWK buddy!!!!

Diana Chiew said...

That looks like a fun and interesting day! You look nice in that bandana.

rottrover said...

Mr Booker, what a totally fun afternoon you got to have with your momma and daddy! We know that you brought Miss Asa something very special! We wish we coulda seen you in the tail waggin' contest! Maybe next year!! We've never tried one of those plastic pool thingys. We'll stick with cool hose water! We'll be back tomorrow to see who you met!!

Your pals,

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow what a fun day at the park. Look at all those kids. Bet you had tons of fun
Benny & Lily

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dat's what I calls FUN in da park. I missed our local Bark in Da Park dis year cause Mom had anudder appointment dat day!

Amber-Mae said...

That bandanna is really nice & it looked great on ya, Booker! That looked like a very cool event. Too ad you missed the games. Those 3 yorkies look cool in their costume,s no wonder they won! Why do you not like the plastic pool? It is one of the most awesome things ever! Ofcourse, I much prefer pools that are way, way bigger & deeper but I wouldn't mind smaller ones as long there's water in it. Hope you felt cooler after a quick wash down.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great day to be a pup in the park, Booker. You looked so handsome in your bandanna. Too bad about the tail wagging contest - you SO would have won.

We will be back to hear more about your great adventure - that is one beautiful park.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

You're going to keep us in suspense about who you met?! Booker! That's so totally unfair.

I am so glad you had such a good time there! It looks like the sort of thing I would just love to go to. I am all about the socializing!


Anonymous said...

Oh, HOW exciting, Booker! I was all happy reading abouts your day cuz I could tell how happy YOU were abouts it. And I don't blame you one bit about not wanting to gets in one of those pools. But then, I wouldn't have wanted somebuddy pourin' water on me either. I mean, all my brindle stripes mighta just melted right off!

I can't wait to see more abouts your big day!

Wiggles & Wags,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That looks like heaps of fun. We wouldn't have got into that plastic pool either.

xXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Ann said...

that looks like a total day of fun Booker. The suspense is going to kill me. I can't wait to find out who you met

Sagira said...

I'm so jealous, that looks like SO much fun!

Dexter said...

You don't like the wading pools? They totally rock. I suppose the bucket works just as well though. Total funballs.


Oskar said...

Nope, I'm with you, nothing good can come of getting in those plastic pools. I can't wait to read more!

Nubbin wiggles,

The Daily Pip said...

Looks like you had a great day! I am liking that bandana (I am a bandana guy, too). How nice of that volunteer to cool you off like that? I would have jumped right in that pool and swam a couple of laps.

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

Wow Booker looks like you had such a pawsome time!

But that pool looks HUGE to me! Guess it is. You needs a cement pond!

woo woos, Tessa

Hoke said...

What fun fun fun!!! AND I love your new picture!!!

Lorenza said...

What a day!
Sure it was pawesome!
Thanks for sharing the story and the pictures!
And more to come...
Kisses and hugs

K9 Katastrophie said...

Heehee! Booker, where is the lab in you? We looooooove water!! I can't wait to find out who you met! kisses to Asa.... did she laugh at my picture?


Emma Rose said...

What a fun time! Can't wait to hear the rest :)

Emma Rose

♥ Sallie said...

Yay! Super Duper is right!

More please!


Teddy Bear said...

What a fun time!:)

Teddy Bear

Unknown said...

Wow! That looks like a super fabulous outing!
Glad you had so much fun, and that bandanna looks spiffy on you!

Anonymous said...

Booker Man! Great beginning to a great day! That was very nice of the volunteer lady to dump her water on ya :) Wonder what you did after being rejuvenated? Do tell ;)


George The Lad said...

Wow booker what a great day, and your keeping us hanging on to see who you met!!
Loving your new header I can see you are happier paddling in a real pool
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

sprinkles said...

My computer has decided to work for a few minutes so thought I'd pop over to say hello!

Wow, what funsies! We have a Bark at the Park type day too but it's nothing like yours. Mostly it's a dog walk and then just a bunch of vendors. They don't have nearly as much cool stuffs as y'all do!

The last time we went was about 2 years ago and a lot of the vendors had nothing to do with pets at all. It made me kind of sad.

Shiver likes to wake me up sometimes too. He pounces on me and licks and chews on me until I get up. He doesn't like to sleep in too late.

Road Dog Tales said...

What a cool Bark in the Park day for you, Booker Man! See, sometimes it pays to be a slacker about reading blogs. Now we get to read the whole adventure in one sitting instead of having to wait on pins and needles for the next installment :) hehe

PeeS - A HOT DOG won?!

The Road Dogs

Kristin G. said...

I love your adventures Booker!!