so like i woofed in my last post, this past saturday was my town's bark to the park! since my big sis asa gets full of the nervosity 'n anxiousnesses in big crowds of hoomans and/or doggies, it's become a tradition that i get to spend a special afternoon all by myself with mama 'n daddy. i do miss havin' my big sis with me, but i'm not gonna lie, it's way funsies to have mama 'n daddy all to myself for an afternoon! besides, i totally promised asa to bring her back 50 gazillion of the bestest treatsies to sample.
okie dokie, so friday night was like the longest night evarrr! i couldn't snooze at all, and i just kept floppin' around like a fish. finallyyyyy, it was saturday mornin'. i let mama 'n daddy sleep in super late 'til 5:30am. then i goosed them with my gooey nose to let them know it was time to get movin'!! mama gave me the mega hairy eyeball and told me we weren't leavin' the house 'til noon cuz daddy had to coach his team of two-leggers playin' soccer first. then mama 'n daddy rolled over and started snoozin' again. *siiiigh* i tried and tried and tried to snooze. i must have for a little bit cuz i woke up again at 8am, and mama 'n daddy were up! woohoo!
while daddy was coachin' at his soccer game, me 'n asa snoopervised mama doin' the laundries and mopin' the floors. when she pulled out the evil vacula, though, we went and hid in the kitchen just to be safe. by the time mama was done, daddy was on his way home, so i started gettin' ready to go! i picked out a super spiffy bandana to wear:
isn't it totally fab? it makes me feel all hawaiian-ish, and i love the little pocket thingie for any top secret stashes i might have. heehee. my BFF's
miss ginger, buddy, and shadow sent it to me! their mama made it, and she also made a pretty red one with a flower for my big sis asa!
anywho, daddy got home pretty quick like, and he 'n mama got asa all comfy cozy with her bed 'n blankey in a hooge sunshiney patch in front of the patio door. then they loaded me up in the car, and off we went to bark to the park, which is held at a super duper cool place called finlay park. it has a little lake and a waterfall, too, which i'll show you laters.
thankies to google! |
here's me 'n daddy smilin' for mama in front of the entrance! i'm wearin' my stoopid halti cuz mama says i still spazz out when i meet doggies 'n hoomans sometimes. whatevs!
manly men! |
first like, we went to the center ring to watch some of the contests goin' on! this was the schedule:
i totally would have won best tail wagger!! too bad we didn't get there until after noon. we hung out and watched all the way through to best costume. these dudes won for best costume -- they went as a hot dog (tube steak for mr. frankie!!!), ketchup, and mustard! BOL!
it was pretty warm by then, so mama and daddy took me over to the pools for some refreshments. for some reason, though, i just DO NOT like those plastic pool thingies. they totally give me the jibblies! mama kept tryin' to get me to go in, but i planted myself to the ground. teehee.
but it's an evil plastic pool thingie!! please don't make me, mama!! |
fortunately, one of the nice volunteer ladies saw me in my distresses and offered to gently rain the cool waters over my back with a bucket. thankies, miss volunteer lady for your kindnesses and for not bein' dorky like my mama!
ahhhhhh! now that's what i'm woofin' about! |
after being refreshified, i was ready to continue explorin' and visitin' and stuff. you would not believe who i met!