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Monday, June 21, 2010

i spell friendz a-w-e-s-o-m-e!

when i talked my mama into letting me start my bloggie back in february, i really didn't have any idea what to expect.  i thought i would just be woofin' my thoughts and adventures for my family to read, but, boy howdy, it has turned into so much more than the booker man could have evarrr imaginated!!  i have met so many super awesome doggies and kitties and hoomans from all over that world, not to mention that ya'll are all sorts of kind and generous.  i am so privileged to call ya'll my friendz and share in your lives and adventures!  so from the bottom of my labradoggie heart, i thank you bunches 'n tons for being my special friendz!
i need to apologize cuz this post is waaaay overdue.  a couple of ya'll have awardified me and mama, but we have not been very timely in showing our thanks.  i hope you can forgive us for being slower than that molasses stuff. 
first up is my way cute and spunky friend, miss olive!  
she lives with her mama and daddy in a magical place called texas, where there is an endless buffet of socks for every doggie.  isn't she a lucky ducky?  anywho, miss olive was super nice and gave me another versatile blogger award!  thankee, miss olive, for your generosity!!  with this awardie, i'm supposed to tell you 7 thingies about myself.  now, i'm cheating just a smidge cuz i'm going to list the same 7 thingies i listed the first time around.  i hope that's a-okay since i couldn't come up with another 7 thingies!
  1. sometimes i talk in the middle of snoozin'.
  2. i can jump the whole flight of steps to the deck!
  3. i love to eat veggies! 
  4. i love water, but i'm kinda scared of the hose thingie.
  5. on my chest where my furs come together, it forms a "T".  my mama and daddy will ask me if i want my "T" (chest) scratched sometimes.
  6. when i was born, my nose was black, but now it's starting to turn pinkish.
  7. i wanna be a therapy dog when i grow up!
next up is my mischievous friend, miss puddles, who is always giving me the giggles.  
she sure knows how to tell a funny story...and steal beer.    she kinda sorta lives up the street from me here in south carolina.  well, miss puddles and her mama kindly gave me and my mama the life is good award!  thanks lots 'n lots to miss puddles and her mama for thinking of us!!  my mama is supposed to answer these question thingies, so here's my mama!

1. What would your perfect day consist of?
sleeping in, breakfast in bed, spending the rest of the day outdoors with my husband and my dogs, and then coming home to take a bath with ridiculous amounts of bubbles

2. How would you describe yourself if you were an item of clothing?
a soft, long sleeve t-shirt

3. What hobbies are you currently working on?
cake baking and decorating

4. Walking in the woods in wellies or bare foot on the beach?
bare foot on the beach

5. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree?
yes, i am a tree hugger.  ;o)

6. Growing your own veggies or nipping to the supermarket?
growing my own

7. Have you found anyone exciting in your family tree?
not so much

8. Slap up meal in a posh restaurant or fish ‘n’ chips from the wrapper?
fish 'n chips

9. Which element do you most resonate with, Earth, Air, Fire or water?

10. Do you believe in fairies?
someone's keeping my flowers adequately watered, and it's not me! 

okie dokie, thanks, mama!  (she took like 50 gazillion years to answer those questions.  good gravy!!)  if anybuddy has not received the versatile blogger award or the life is good award, please would you take it as a pressie from me, the booker man?  i would be most totally honored!


Remington said...

Isn't Blogland great! I know just what you mean about not realizing how many fun friends one could meet! AND I am SO happy you are my friend! Congrats on your awards! I liked getting to know you better. Isn't Puddles a hoot! Love that gal!

Sagira said...

Blogging is fun and so addictive.
Congrats on your well deserved awards. :)

Deborah said...

That was very nice! Blogging is so much fun and I do agree, I had no idea it would be like you said...and Sigira said, addictive!!
I love being your friend too! Congratulations on your awards!!
PS. I'll take the "Life is Good" one. I don't have that one!

3 doxies said...

Hellos...hellos! I so feels da same thing you talkin bouts. I haves met sooooo many wonderful doggies and kittehs and peoples. It has really blown my mind, if that is possible...hehehe! They just seems to be such a wonderful connection or bond that is kinda hard to explain. Golly, I's getting awfully mushy heres. I likes your momma's list. We finally gots some maters now and ever time we looks at em I thinks bouts ya'lls...hehehe! Anyways, I feel honored to know you is my furiens and that you likes me.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We TOTALLY agree about the blogging thing. Man, we've met sooo many doggies that it takes ages to read and comment. But we're not complainin'. 'Cause we love hearing stories about dogs all around the world. It was a great day when Alpha discovered the dog blogs.

We hadn't read the seven things about you before. Enjoyed a little insight into you.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Anonymous said...

Ooooo...my mom hugs trees, too!

Congratulations on your awardies, my sweet, handsome labradoggie! I can't think of anybuddy who deserves 'em more! I might steal that "Life is good" awardie, if you don't mind. I haven't gotten it yet and I think it's pretty nifty!

Oh, and guess what? I have awardies that I haven't properly thanked my furends for yet, either. So don't feel bad. I think it happens to all of us!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

PeeS. Did you know we started our bloggies around the same time? And if we hadn't each started one, we never woulda met. I thinks it must be fate!

houndstooth said...

We've met some wonderful people and dogs online through blogs, too! It's a wonderful community! We love reading about what you and Asa are up to every day!


Zona said...

The bloggies really create an amazing blog-family, don't they? So glad we're furends! And it was great learning more about your mom!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden Congrats on your awards. Good to know you more. Glad to be blog friends. Golden Thanks for your friendship. Did you find a bed for Asa? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

sprinkles said...

Congrats on your awards! I'm friends with Miss Olive but have never met Miss Puddles, I'll have to wander over and say hello!

I didn't mind you using the same list as last time because I didn't know you before so it was all new to me! bol

I like these awards because I got to know more about you and your Mom today!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What pawesome awards for a pawesome pup!!

Smileys and Snuggles,
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

Inky and Molly said...

T'was nice to find out a little bit more about your mama. How kind of you to let her take the stage for a moment. We're not really gonna go there. Once you give them a little bit of stage time, they think they rule the blog so we best keep her where she belongs...

BRUTUS said...

Yep, the bloggers feel like extended family - there to laugh & celebrate with you, or help you through the not-so-good times! We recently met a fellow blogger (Fiona from Another Tequila Sunruse) from the other side of the country - never had talked before, but it felt like we were old friends!!

Brutus the Frenchie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your awards, Booker. We haven't known you that long, but we sure are glad we met you. We hope to be furiends for a long time.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lorenza said...

I am very happy to be your friend too!
Congratulations on your Awards!
Kisses and hugs

Maggie Mae and Max said...

I just luvs you booker man! Congrats on your awards too. You is a good furiend.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS I luvs Puddles too :)

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

It has been amazing. I've only been at it a few months, too and never imagined all the furiends that I'd meet, from all over the country and world. You are one of the doggie bloggers who always makes me smile. Asa, too, in a whole different way.

wags, Lola

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Thanks fur sharing those furry interesting stuffs!


Dexter said...

I am so glad that you are one of my blogging pals. You are a wonderful little dog.


Jake of Florida said...

You are so right, Booker. We've met so many great canine and hooman critters through our blogging.

When anyone asks my mom about her social life, she now says all her friends are dogs!!! In the very best of ways.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Booker
We think you are awesome too.
Love Ruby & Penny

George The Lad said...

I know a little bit more about you now. I also love blogging and meeting new pals
See Yea George xxx

Unknown said...

Hiiii Booker,
We are so totally entirely glad Mummy started this bloggie for us too.DOG knows why she didn't think of it earlier.
but we are glad she finally did. Like Jack of Florida says, our Mummy too says her bestest friends are Dawgs. and she treasures them.
and like Mayzie says, we guess it is destiny that we met and became friends. if we hadn't started this blog, we would never have known you exist on this very earth!!

Mummy thinks she would have answered almost similar like to those questions! piscean thoughts??
Btw, thanks a lot. we are happy u like our new blog design and our bandanas.why don't u ask your mummy to try out the plentiful new designs on blogger for your blog too?
annd we have asked mummy to try and post TCT this time.
we love you and Asa very very much,
Buddy and Ginger

rottrover said...

Hi Mr. Bookerman! This is Ruby from Miss Creekhiker's blog. I'm the one with the heart-butt. We don't have a blog, but I just wanted to tell you that I think you are soooo handsome in your picture on your header. We smile every time we see you!!

1000 Goldens said...

I loved reading this - you are awesome Booker Man. I haven't met Miss Puddles, so we'll go check her out ;)

Pat Wahler said...

Congrats on your awards. It's fun getting to know all about you!


Life With Dogs said...

Having fun yet? Of course you are! Welcome to your new addiction! :)

koko said...

Congrats on the wardies... and we're happy getting to know you and Asa too, Bookerman. You guys are pawsome.

Licks, hero

Unknown said...

Hi Bookerman, this is a pawsome post but I think you and asa are super pawsome.

The blogland is indeed wonderful and addictive but we're so happy that we're addicted and we have met so many pawsome friends here.

Ms. ~K said...

Congrats on the great awardss!
Yep, blogging furiends are the best!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack Sassy and Buddy

little princess Luna~ said...

Salut bookiebuns (& asakins)~!!
Je suis si heureux pour vous avoir comme un ami~!! *chi hug*
congrats on your awards and that littel puddie poo sure is a card--or something like that (i always hear mum saying that)~! gotta loves hers~!!


3 doxies said...

Hellos...Heheheh, yep, mum made us all gets in da baff tub, seperate times though. Mum made it purty clears that hers ain't fond of wild animal spit...hehehe. Hers kept saying ewwwwww, overs and overs and overs again...hahaha.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello booker man its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate q and a!!! yore frend luks kyoot in her ladybug soot!!! ok bye

Oskar said...

Great job on the awards!

My mom person says her tummy is growling at the thought of fish & chips.

Anonymous said...

Loved the Q&A section and of course it's common knowledge that the Puddle gives us all the giggle