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Monday, June 28, 2010

dog days of summer

i don't know about ya'll, but it's crazy go nuts hot at my house!!  me and asa don't really wanna do anythingie too exciting cuz of the mega hotness.
check out my handy dandy indoor/outdoor thermometer.  just look at this ridiculousness!
now my mama's kinda cheapo like mango and dexter's mama, which means she's got the AC temperature set uber high, too.  can't a doggie get any reliefs from the heat?  mama just keeps telling me that it costs 50 gazillion green papers to keep the house cool and that i'm just gonna have to make do.  she even suggested that i could always get my furs shaved if i couldn't stop being a cranky pants.  hmmmph.  well, me and asa decided to stage an intervention.  we sat mama down in front of the compy and showed her miss lorenza's post on yogurt 'n PB pupsicles.  i'm super duper happy to report that mama liked the idea so much, that she went straight to the kitchen to make some pupsicles for me and asa.  YAY!  normally, we aren't allowed in the kitchen when mama is doing her cooking thingie, but this time she let us watch.
okie dokie, so here we go!  first, mama got out 6 paper cups (5 oz. size).  i like the underwater theme.  heehee.

mama put the paper cups in a little plastic container so there would be no wibbly wobblies or spillage.

then mama measured out some tasty yogurt into her measuring cup device.  i am in 100% snoopervising mode.

boy howdy, the PB came next!  we like smooth PB at my house.  i was trying to use my brain powers to will the PB to fall in my general direction.  look at those epic concentrations.

mama mixed up the yogurt 'n PB really good like cuz you just can't have chunks.

then she poured the mix into the little paper cups s-l-o-w-l-y.

last but not least, she put the super delicious goo into the freezer so it could turn into pupsicles!

oh, mama, we totally love you and your kitchen craftiness!!



Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We need to talk our Mom into making some of those pupsicles - they look delish!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

the teacher's pets said...

What a mighty nice pup Lorenza is to give all of her buddys the pupsicle recipe furr all of her furriends to copy when we need to get cooled off! I'm sad to bark that my mom hasn't made those yummy treats furr me yet butt I think she's going to today beclaws it is super sticky in our house and out!
Oh, I love the picture of you puttin' your nose next to the thermometer thingy! You made it very clear that it's toooo hot in your neck of the woods!

Dexter said...

That looks like a great way to beat the heat. Sorry about your stingy witch, er, mom and the AC. Wow! It is so hot here that momma turned on the AC at 8AM because the insides were already almost 80 degrees.


Two Pitties in the City said...

Those look great. Someone gave one to Miss M at a street fair: she ate her own and Mr B's.

Ruby and Penny said...

That looks so yummy. We are going to have mom make us some too.
Love Ruby & Penny

BRUTUS said...

Looks totally yummy! I'm not the biggest peanut butter fan, but I think those would even appeal to my picky palate!

Multiple Snorts-
Brutus (& Carmen) the Frenchie(s)

houndstooth said...

Oh, I am drooling right along with you, Booker and Asa! I bet those turn out to be some very delicious treats!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! YES It's HOT. Now a days ... my special place is the laundry room floor which is always cool. WOWie!!! Those are HUGE HUGE PH Popsicles. Mom plans to make some soon n for sure will alter the recipe so she can have some too ... Stay COOL! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Those look so yummy and Eva's drooling now too. Your mom is so sweet and kind!

koko said...

I need to sit down and talk to my hoomans... seriously!

Licks, hero

Anonymous said...

Holy moley! Those look like about the most delicious things I've ever seen. Okay, I've GOT to gets my mom on the ball and gets those made for me and Brudder Ranger.

Oh, and I thoughts your Most Magnificent concentrations were, well, Most Magnificent!

Wiggles & Wags

Sagira said...

It is hot over here to. Mom keeps ours set like your mom does. Will have to get on my mom about those frozen treats. :)

Golden Samantha said...

Oh wowzers! I'm gonna get our Mama to make us summa those right now! I think we're having a heat wave here - not as bad a you - poor things - but it's been such a cool spring/early summer that 90 feels like 300 degrees! Oh Boy! Mama! Go make!
Hugs xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Oh Booker!We are drooling ALL over ourselves! (Evven MUMMY, and she had just had some ice-cream!)We really appreciate the way you snoopervised the chef-in-action. Could you get some PB to spill??
mummy is right you know about the zillion trillion dollar required to keep the house cool.Ask us,our bills quadrapled in the past few months! thank dogness, it is better now.
we will get Mummy to post about those sweet snackies we had the other day. Maybe you can nudge mummy to make some for u too.
Oh! you better go check those popsies...they must be ready by now..
Bud n Gin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

A. & B. I have a freezing drawer JUST LIKE YOURS... and that is where my mom keeps my Flavor Ices and my Yogurt/Peanutbutter Frosty Paws too.
Mom puts all of my stuffs in little margarine cups so they will Pop right out when I want one. You will love Lorenza's recipe. Can't wait to see part 2

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Those pupsicles look PAWSOME!!!
I hope you dawgs stay cool, this heat has been crazy!!


JD and Max said...

Oh - drool!! We're gonna ask our MH to make us these to go with our fruit smoothies! We think they're gonna be SO scrummy, we can't WAIT for part 2!! Your mama sure is the BEST to make these for you! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

(PS - um, so the US crashed out of the World Cup, just like the UK. Sigh!!)

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

I think we are going to make those Pupsicles at are house because it is mighty hot here also!
Stay Cool!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Those pupsicles looks very yummy! Mom had to go to the store tomorrow, she said she would gets some yogurt and make some for me..yay!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

3 doxies said...

Seriously dude, ya'll soooo haves it made. Okays, well maybe not da ac thingy. My mum, lucily ain't stingy withs da air cuz her don't work so her don't haves to pay fur it. Howevers, Mr. Dad would die if he knew what time our air comes on. He find out when da bill comes though...hehehe.
Okays, I takes three of those PB thingy, just mail 'em to mes. OH, you needs to try da Whipped PB, it is waaaaaaay smoother and mixes betters.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Our mouthes are watering over here too!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

little princess Luna~ said...

bookie boy and asakins~! those look super deliciously yummy in my tummy~!! :D
i think i may have to ask my mummy to make some soon.
i hope things cool down for you two soon~! :)


Zona said...

OMD, that looks fantastical! Great job snoopervising! I need to run over and convince my mom to make us pupsicles!!


George The Lad said...

What a great idea, I'll get mom to the pc in a minute so she'll know how to make it, will be back for the second half.
See Yea George xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom is not too happy with us as we are drooling all over her laptop screen as we watch the making of those pupsicles. Bet they were really tasty.

It is really hot here too, but our Mom doesn't do well with heat - so our a/c is just right for us. She complains all the time about all the green papers it costs too. She can't make up her mind. In the winter it is too cold and the summer is too hot - sheesh.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Nubbin' Tails said...

We are going to show your post to mom and see if we can get her to hop over to Lorenza's for the recipe! We love us some peanut butter here!


Mr. Nubbin'

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Booker, your Mom is well trained and very talented. You are a lucky dog, indeed.

wags, Lola

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Mr. Booker, your tongue is awesome! Tell mama those pupsicles look so yummy! It's still not too hot here in Cali but soon! We're dreading it!

rottrover said...

Mr. Bookerman. My mom thinks doggies are lack-toes intolerant. I told her we have all our toes but she said she doesn't want us to get tummy aches. I don't get it, but is your tummy ok? I just want to know because those look so yummy.
Miss Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Booker and Asa!
Hurray! Glad your mom made the frosties for you!
I know you are going to love them!
I can't wait to see you enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs


For. Reals. In my house it is a totes war over whether the air is on or not. And even when we do use it at my house there's this thing Mama calls hew-mid-uh-tee that makes it still feel hot. Whatevs. I just know I don't like it.
Keep cool pal

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello booker man its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm i think yore owtdoor tempratchoor their has an ekstra didjit in it sumware!!! ok bye

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nom nom nom!!!

Mom made me a fresh batch of bonesikhles last week!

I got to khlean the bowl too!


Inky and Molly said...

That sure will kool yer down. Those treats look fabbers!
Hey, we do like the look of your long pink tongue a lot.

Unknown said...

Hi Asa and Booker!

I'm Petey and I split my time between Hilton Head and New York City! Right now I'm on Hilton Head and as hot and humid as it can be, at least we've got central air conditioning, which is better than the little window unit we've got in New York (where it's just as hot and almost as humid!). Thank goodness for the beach--we go down there in the evening and there always seems to be a refreshing breeze!

Your pal,


Unknown said...

You and Asa are such good dogs..just watching all patient and stuffs while your mom puts that tray of treats in da freezer.

Now if that was at my house...at least ONE of us would be making a quick move to sneak a quick taste....I means they be so close to our nose and mouths already!!


Ms. ~K said...

Sure hope your mom has closed the freezer door by now...those look ki==like they are going to be yummy...we can't wait to see you enjoying them!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that stinks that it is so hot there! We hope it gets a bit cooler soon!

And wow pupsicles - what a cool thing. We think they look kinda tasty but we think our mom would say no becuase, well, we are cats and she things peanut butter is weird for cats. But we think she is crazy and should try to make one - they look yum!

We can't wait to see if you like them or not!

Anonymous said...

In case you missed my lovely comment on your post on my blog today (ha ha, that sounds confusing), I have one thing to say to you: (other than the fact that I'm jealous of your mom's cooking) You can't cut this type of post short. What do you mean... to be continued? When do we get to see you eat?

Pat Wahler said...

What a great idea! That looks like a terrific treat!


Life With Dogs said...

This will be one of those rare times that the sequel is better... :)