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Monday, May 3, 2010

bark to the park!

okie dokie, so i know bark to the park was like 2 saturdays ago, but my mama has been super duper busy, and she just now got all the pictures off of her flashy camera.  fiiiiiinally, i can show you all about this totally awesome sauce event!
bark to the park happens every spring and is sponsored by one of our favorite local shelters, project pet.  it starts off with a fun hooman and doggie walkie.  the walkie ends at an uber awesome park where all of these booths 'n tents are set up with tons of stuff to check out!  most important like, are the various rescue groups that bring some of their doggies available for adoption or fostering.  then there are local doggie vendors, and lots of them give out free foodables 'n treatsies!  also, there are some agilities groups doing flyball and frisbee.  oh, i almost forgot that there are costume contests, too.  and of course there is a music stage and food for the hoomans.
i've been to two bark to the parks now, and every year i just have so much funsies!  bestest of all is knowing that everyone there is helping to raise money and awareness for homeless doggies (and even the kitties, too)!
now i'm gonna show you the pictures!
(you're gonna notice that my big sis asa isn't in any of the pictures.  unfortunately, she hasn't been able to come to bark in the park cuz she gets really really anxious around large groups of people and doggies.  boohoo.  i wish she could come, but i don't want her to feel uncomfortable.  i brought her home a bandanna so we can be matchy matchy at least.)

modeling my bark to the park bandanna!

frisbee agilities!

doesn't this lovely lady look like miss emma rose?

more frisbee agilities!

i totally think this is mr. ranger!

now it's time for flyball!

look at her go!  so speedy gonzales like!

i meet bunches 'n tons of new friendz!
mr. pittie, i <3 your black speckles!

4 month old great dane puppy with way cool face markings!

american bulldoggie!

dog pile!

my mama loooved this cute little puppy dude!

a pretty little wiener dog lady!

every time we saw this boxer puppy, he was trying to eat his daddy's shoelaces.  teeheehee.

oh, i almost forgot to tell you about the pool zone!!!

hey, lookies!  it's mr. b's twin!

the booker man is way thirsty and super pooped after a way fab day at bark to the park!
i can't wait to go again next year!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Booker Man. I am glad that you came back and showed us MORE of bark park. I loved these pics. Especially the pool zone!!
You really look cool in your blue bandanna!

Anonymous said...

Booker! That looks like SOOOOO much fun! But I haves to admit, I prolly would be like Asa and stay at home. I actually think you're kinda brave to just dive right in to all of that activities like you did.

Oh, and I liked seeing that doggie that looked like my Brudder Ranger!

Wiggles & Wags,

Emma Rose said...

Hi Booker!

Thanks for thinking of me when you saw that pretty Border Collie. That Bark to the Park thing sounds like a lot of fun. I LOVED the pool area! That was too cute! I'm so glad you got to go and have a good time.

Emma Rose

Ms. ~K said...

Wroooo wroooo,
What a fun day w/ so many pups!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Remington said...

What a fun day! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy at the Farm said...

What a great day! You look very handsome in your kerchief!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

3 doxies said...

What up Bookmeister. This is a very fantastical event. That would be super duper cool fur me to go to next year...as it ain't that fars. I wished you had've thought to bring that Great Dane puppy to me...oh well.
Is it humid at your house? It is VERY humid here.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello booker man its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a gud time sort of like a woofstock style eevent!!! i wood luv to go their and do a flyball demo!!! ok bye

Diana Chiew said...

What a fun day you had, Booker Man. So many fun activities too. Come to think of it, we have not been to the park for quite some time now. That is all because of Christmas.

Dog Foster Mom said...

Thanks for sharing those photos - it looks like so much fun! It was nice of you to bring back a bandana for your sister so you could match.

Mack and Mia said...

DUDE! Booker! I can't wait because our Bark in the Park is this coming Saturday! WOOOOO!

They better have doggie pools for me to cool down in because I am one hot STUD!!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

central bark designs said...

What great fun! The "Pool Zone" is my favorite. I need to find one of those!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That looks like soooo much fun. We've got the Million Paws Walk coming up soon. I love it. Kendra stays home. She and Asa should meet!

Hope they got lots of money for those dogs without families.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Unknown said...

WOWIE!Booker, we so so wish we could be there. such a pawsome day u had. and so many new friends. we especially like that little puppy ur mom liked so much.
and DuDE! u were looking so very handsome in that kool bandana.
sorry about Asa, but we are sure she loves her bandana too
wags, Gin n Bud


Mr Booksies-
That looks like just about the coolest place ever. For reals. Mama is trying to find out about some stuff like that up here in Pennsylvania but I don't wanna wait, especially after seeing your pictures! Your mom did an AWESOME job chronicling your adventure.
Peace Out!!
-Stellaluna Spaz
PS Tell Asa I'm sorry she didn't get to go. That's sad that she gets scared but I know what she means. When I went to the rabies clinic I was super nervous too!

sprinkles said...

What a fun day! I really wish things were more pet oriented here. There's a walk that the Humane Society puts on every year that I go to but once the walk is over and you've walked around and checked out a few of the vendors, there's not much else to do. Boo!

My dog Shiver doesn't like big crowds either. He shivers (hence the name!) and tries to get me to carry him.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, what great photos. Thanks so much for sharing them. Love you in that bandana, too. You are a very sharp dressed dog, Booker.

wags, Lola

houndstooth said...

Your Bark in the Park looks super cool! Ours is in June and I'm so excited to go!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I see one of ME at The Pool Zone!

Thanks fur sharing your great day!


Dexter said...

That was a great day. PeeWee was enthralled by the water park photos.


koko said...

What a fun day at the park... and I love how they make available those pools for dawgs to cool off. Hope Asa likes the bandana :)

Licks, hero

Lorenza said...

Hi, Booker Man!
What a day you all had!
Sure it was pawesome to meet all those doggie and human friends there for a very good cause!
Kisses and hugs

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Booker, that looks like a lot of fun, Toby would have loved it!
Pool zone would have been his fav :)
Thanks for the picturs!

Two Pitties in the City said...

So fun! We just had our Bark in the Park and it was such a fun time. I wish Mr. B could have met his twin...

Taffy said...

Hey big guy! Looks like you had a mostest wonderful time! I wouldn't of gotten anywhere near those pools but its ok if you did ;o)
Can't wait to see you and Asa in your bandannas together!
PS: you gonna ask Miss Mayzie out on another date?

kissa-bull said...

they would'nt have PAID ush wiff liver tweats to willingly get in that pool of torture.**shivers**
but everfurry ting else look most fun in the sun. we seen lotsa cuties that could be our ancestors

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Pat Wahler said...

It's so much fun to see all the cool stuff and meet so many new furry friends!


JD and Max said...

Hi Booker, that looks like SO much fun we don't know where to start! We wish, wish, wish we could have gone too! Oh, it would have been amazing! Your bandanna is super cool and we loved seeing all the doggies you met, that boxer puppy with his shoelace fixation was adorable! And the pool zone - fun, fun, FUN! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hey Bookerman, Thanks for sharing your fun photos.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Ina in Alaska said...

That looked like a super fun event! We are so glad you got to go and we completely understand about Asa. Our Ginger gets very fretful in large crowds, like the great actress Greta Garbo, she prefers to be alone, darlings!!! xoxo

Tucker said...

Oh I am so jealous, look at all those cool new friends you met.

woof - Tucker

The Strawberry Mallard said...

You know it really is way too cool!I sure do wish that Ma would take me to one of these events...BOL

Zona the Test Monkey said...

WOW! That looks like it was a lot of fun! I'd probably be a little overwhelmed so I'd snuggle at home with Asa, I think. But my sisters would LOVE to go to something like this! And for such a good cause! You're pawesome Booker!


Golden Retriever pups said...

Ohh, this must have been a fantastic day (even if it was 2 weeks ago). All of the dogs are happy and amused by their human companions and by the many-many games and other doggies there.
Fantastic day, fantastic pictures!
Best wishes