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Monday, April 26, 2010

i've got mail!

hey, asa!!  guess what, guess what??  i got my first snail mail evarrr!!!
you don't say, booker!  that is actually quite exciting!  from whom did you receive mail?

i got a package from miss sugar!  remember how i said i won her GABE contest?  and you wanna know what else?  it's a super duper surprise pressie for you!!
a present for me, asa?  i am truly flattered!

see, asa?  here it is  -- a totally awesome package from miss sugar!!

i just gotta figure out how to get this box thingie open...

this is kind of hard...asa, i need some helpin'!

awesome sauce!  we got it open, asa!

my curiosity is vastly peaked, booker!  what could it possibly be?? 

i, asa, have received a sophisticated and superbly crafted paisley collar from sugar the golden retriever!
(she is quite a beautiful golden retriever, i might add.)

i do believe this collar looks delightful against my coat!  
thank you, booker, for thinking of me, your big sister!
i also send my heart-felt gratitude to you, sugar!  
i shall model this lovely and stylish collar for years to come.


Anonymous said...

Wowee! That is a Most Beautiful collar, Asa! Most befitting of a Most Beautiful doggie such as yourself! And that was so very much sweet of Booker to choose to give his GABE pressie to you instead of keeping it for himself. Sigh. He's handsome AND generous!

Wiggles & Wags,

3 doxies said...

Me thins Mayzie needs to go takes a coooold baff. Anyways, that was very mush sa-weet of Booker to gives you his collar. And it looks so goods on you too. I thought da box was da pressie though...darn it.

central bark designs said...

Beautiful collar! And it was very nice of Booker to share! -Abbey

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Booker, you truly do know the joy of giving. Asa looks lovely in that new collar. You are such a grrrreat brother. We can all learn from your most generous action. Thank you.

Ina in Alaska said...

Hi Asa! You look smashing in that lovely collar... your last pose is so coy!

Ruby and Penny said...

Asa, you look fabulous in that collar. Green is your colour.
Love Ruby & Penny

Remington said...

WOW you are lucky! That is a great present! Isn't getting mail fun!

Ms. ~K said...

Asa, you look mah-velous in the new fancy collar.
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

houndstooth said...

It looks great on you Asa! Booker was really sweet to win that for you! I think that's one of the ones we were really hoping to win. Enjoy it!


Mack and Mia said...

LOOOKIN GOOD! That is a very shnazzy collar and you are right! It looks most wonderful with your coat!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

kissa-bull said...

AWW BOOKER MAN!!! you are just the sweetest brofur ever to be!
you are as kind as you are handshum
and asa dearest you look quite stunning in that bewootiful collar you should consider a career in modeling . if so have your people contact guero the models people ASAP

pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack

Diana Chiew said...

Congratulations on winning that beautiful collar, Booker Man. Asa looks so sweet with that new collar. You are even sweeter to give that collar to her.

rosie said...

Congrats on your prize! And that collar looks beautiful on Asa!

Two Pitties in the City said...

Oh, you look amazing in your new collar. Those are definitely your colors. Though, you do look a bit apprehensive in that last picture...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It is a pawesome khollar!

That Booker is furry furry special fur letting woo have the pressie!

Woo look so beaWOOtiful in it too!


JD and Max said...

Hi Booker - oh, you are a good little brother, we are most impressed! But then if we had a big sister a sweet and lovely as Miss Asa then we, too, would want to shower her with gifts!

Miss Asa, you look quite delightful in your gorgous new collar - gosh, hasn't this GABE event been fun? Our FH was too slow to actively join in (she's not the quickest human being in the world - sigh!) but we've made some great new pals as a result of it which is the best thing EVER!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Smushie Ranch said...

Woot woot! Getting packages in the mail is so much fun.

Stella, Gunther and Betty

Life With Dogs said...

You wear it well beautiful! :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Wear it in good health!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Pat Wahler said...

That is a most handsome and dignified collar. You look awesome!


sprinkles said...

I was going to say you wear it well but I see that Life With Dogs beat me to it.

That's a pretty nice collar, Asa! It was really sweet of your brother to share. My chi's haven't learned the fine art of sharing yet.


Hi Booker,

That is a cool, cool collar! Don't you just luv pressies?

Riley and Star.

BRUTUS said...

How pawesome! Pressies in the mail are almost as good as Christmas!! And one can never have too many collars!

Brutus the Frenchie

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

DIVINE! Absolutely divine!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Anonymous said...

The GABE giveaways are starting to arrive. Yay! Love this beautiful collar. I would have used it as a hula BOL
Thank you for the kind wishes on my post yesterday. My sissies are much better and there were no mast cell tumors present :)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

So very nice Asa!!! Mr. Booker you are a very thoughtful brother!!


Dexter said...

Isn't it exciting to get packages in the mail ALL FOR YOU? That collar is really nice. Good loot.


Angus said...

Hi - Things have been a bit busy here but we just wanted to say how much your kind thoughts and wishes mean to Digby.

Piappies World said...

Hello there Mr. Booker!

Congratulations! Such a pretty collar. So sweet of you to share it with Asa.

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

The Luke said...

Congratulations on your fabulous prize, and may I say...

The Miss Asa looks fabulous in her new collar. Why, she has the coy happenin!

wif love from the Luke

Bella and Ollie said...

Aww how exciting, Asa!
You look so beautiful with your new collar.
Well done, Mr Booker. Sharing is caring :)

Love, Amelie.