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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

it's time for GABE!

my new friend miss twinkie is hosting a super awesome event called the global animal blogging event -or- GABE!  it starts tomorrow and runs through sunday, april 18th!  i am filled up with excitements about meeting lots of new friendz from all over the world and reading their exciting bloggies!  it will be most ridiculous amounts of fun, and there are going to be some awesome give-aways also!  what's not to like about that?  if you would like to participate, you still have time!!  you can be a "passive" or "active" participant.  clicky here to find out more right now!!!
what's gonna happen is that tomorrow, miss twinkie will start linking participating bloggies to her GABE page for everybuddy to go visit.  all you have to do is clicky on my GABE icon at the top right of my bloggie, and it will take you to miss twinkie's GABE participants list.  then you can go visit all the bloggies and make new friendz!  some of the GABE participants (the "active" ones) will be givin' away pressies, so make sure you leave comments for a chance to win cool thingies!
i <3 pressies, so i am gonna be an "active participant" in GABE.  i am gonna give away a special somethin' to one lucky ducky who will be drawn from my "woofs" at random.  all you have to do is leave a "woof" for me!  if you want, i'd love to know why you decided to start a bloggie and what is your most favoritest thing about blogging.
now for the excellent pressie.  what might i be giving away, you ask??  the winner will receive a totally fab collar of his/her choosing from my fellow south carolinian hooman friend over at pecan pie puppies.  you can see her entire collection at http://www.etsy.com/shop/pecanpiepuppies.  here are a couple of her lovely collars just to show you some examples:

thanks bunches, miss twinkie, for organizing GABE!!  i'm lookin' forward to reading everybuddy's bloggies and meeting some new friendz!
the booker man


kissa-bull said...

oh that ish most wonderful prize mr booker man
now we must say that our most favorite thing about blogging is the frienship we have developed wiff our blogging woggie furryends all the support and love shown on our community ish most priceless
and we love to meet new special furryends just like you
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack

Unknown said...

The most amazing fun, you said? Abso-lutely! This is my Woof to you. One woof and I'm eligible to win such a cool collar? I think I love this event.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Mr. Booker Man!! I think the very much bestest thingy about dawgblogs is how we can all laugh and cry together. I started my blog beclaws I wanted to practice my writing skills. Who knew that I would end up with two girrrlfurends that have become my fiances????

houndstooth said...

Well, Mom says she started blogging because when she brought me home it was just a few weeks after her first greyhound, Treat, had passed away. There were so many wonderful stories about Treat that she wished she'd been able to share them all, and she didn't want to miss sharing stories about me and my life as I grew up. We love reading everybody's stories everyday and seeing what they've been up to!

Those collars are fabulous!


Tucker said...

Well WOOF!

I decided to blog my growth as a baby cause Momma knew I was gonna grow really fast. Then, I met cool bloggie friends and starting blogging about my adventures and my struggles. I think my favorite thing about blogging is that we all get to share important doggie information. For example, Dexter & Mango helped me learn about eating rocks & how it's bad for you, Honey taught me how to play the cupcake pan game, and Brutus teaches you the importance of dental care. That's just a few examples but I have learned something from everyones bloggie.

woof - Tucker

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

OMD, those collars are furry cute!

Can you sneak me a couple extra entries... ?

We started blogging to get the word out about Guide dogs in training (note the web address of our blog – guidedogawareness!).
We have come along way from 2007, and our fav thing is meeting new friends!!


Hi Booker,

We needs to get busy and sign up! We luuuv those collars! Grrreat job, Booker's mommy!

Riley and Star.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Furry nice!

We are looking furward to seeing all the GABE fun - we had to pass this year but we did give Twinkie and GABE a shout out on the blog - we just have too much going on to have given it the attention it warranted -


Diana Chiew said...

This GABE is so much fun! We are going to be busy visiting blogs and trying our luck to see if we can win something.

Those collars are beautiful and we are trying our luck to win it. We started our blogs as a diary to record our daily happenings where we can look back and to remember those times. As we went along, our favoritest thing about blogging is definitely making friends.

BRUTUS said...

Hey there Booker! So nice to meet a new labradude friend (my brother Mason is a chocolate lab) - came over to see you fromTwinkie's GABE links. We're playing too, just a little slower to get up our post than you gunners!! Fantastic prize you have there, one can never have enough collars, you know!

Brutus the Frenchie

Anonymous said...

Booker! I thinks you and me were separated at birth cuz I'm givin' away a gift certificate for a Collar Mania collar! Isn't that a crazy coincidence (that's a hard word to spell)? Oh, and there's one other thing I'm giving away but you have to come look.

As for your question - I guess I just thought it would be fun. And it is! And my favoritest thing about it is meeting sweet new furends like you!

Wiggles & Wags,

Ina in Alaska said...

WOOF(s). Those collars are just gorgeous!!!! So much talent out there. We are just going to be GABE viewers because our mom is a slacker. Not really. Like Khyra's mom, she has way too much going on..... work, spring cleanup around our mansion, "stuff" but she plans to enjoy GABE as a spectator. Have fun every furry one!!! xoxo Toby, Ginger, Jeter and Miss Halle

Deborah said...

Hey there! Nice to meet you and I love the collars!
Anywho, come on over to my blog, I'm also having a give-a-way for GABE!
I started blogging because....I read the book "Julia" and it sounded like tons of fun and guess what...IT IS!!! I love all my bloggy friends!
Have fun and have a great day!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful collars Mr. Bookerman...I would just LOVE to have one!!

We have seen you here and there, but found you via Twink's GABE Link's and think you have a pawesome bloggie!!
Dory and Bilbo

Mack and Mia said...

Hey Bookerman!

Do they make collars in XXXXL? because you know Mia is a 'big' girl...BOL...just kidding...well...not about the 'big' part.

We started to bloggy because our momma said that Mia and I are so crazy that she wanted to share our fun times with everydoggy everywhere! She also is loving the bonds and support that everyone gives and takes and she says she feels like she knows everydoggy in real life.

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Princess said...

bookerman, my momma bought me one of those collars when she and my daddy took engagement pictures with me! They're so pretty!

I started blogging so my foster mom and her friends could stay up to date on what was going on in my new life. :o)


Anonymous said...

hi my name is keiko and i would love for us to be fuuuuriiends I hope you get a chance to go to my blog and visit me!! its at keikofoxx.blogspot.com

wags and licks

ps. wonderful prize!

Pat Wahler said...

Great to meet you Bookerman! Stop by to visit soon!


JD and Max said...

Hi Bookerman - oh, this GABE looks amazing, we're in! Good to meet you!

We started blogging by accident really - our human used to blog and when we came along she started writing about us most of the time and before long that's all folks wanted to know about - so we took over completely and now have our own blog, he he he!

Like Minnie and Santa our favourite part is making friends, it's great. We live in the UK and our humans have even visited Santa, Minnie and Christmas earlier this year when they visited KL - how cool is that?!

Big schnauzer snuggles - oh, and love your blog by the way - JD and Max.

Nubbin' Tails said...

Wee hooo new clothes. I loves me some new clothes! This GABE thing is great for saying hi to old friends and making new ones!


Mr. Nubbin'

Martine said...

Hi booker man!! Nice to meet you!!

This is Martine & the kiddlets from I Need a Sugar Fix.

We started to blog about a year ago when we had our rescue pup Sugar the bull terrier... she was constantly doing funny things and getting into trouble that I thought I best record it somewhere... thus the creation of I need a Sugar fix! We no longer have sweet Sugar... but we do have Candy and Captain Crunch! Our favorite thing is getting comments and reading all our furiends bloggies!

xo martine & teh kiddlets

Dog Foster Mom said...

i'd love to know why you decided to start a bloggie and what is your most favoritest thing about blogging.

Hi Booker Man - I have seen your comments on other blogs and am glad thanks to GABE that I finally took the time to stop by and say hi. It's great to make new friends! I started blogging as a way to keep track of what foster pets I brought home. But now I also just do it because its fun!

silvieon4 said...

You are a handsome one! Love those collars. You are not far from me, relatively speaking... I am in VA.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Booker man, you are very handsome! Mabel Lou is part lab too! We started blogging because Mom loved to write. Hope you'll check out our creekhiker blog during GABE!

The Musketeers said...

Wow ! We just love collars.
Oh hi, nice to meet you ! We are new here ;)

Erin said...

WOOF! Those are great collars!!

Anonymous said...

Booker Man - those are very stylish collars. I do have a question though. You say they're made by pecan pie puppies, right? Do the puppies include a pecan pie with each collar? I do hope the answer is yes. Regardless, they must be extremely talented. I hope I win.

The Luke said...

First let me say... boy who call himself "THE" Booker Man is tops by me... the Luke!

Best fing bout the GABE is makin the new friends, and if I was to win one of those MOST awesome collars from the pecan pie puppies' the Mom... that would be very befittin, since I have real penchant for the pecans!

You ask why I blog... well, in my first life, I live in backyard until 8.5 years of age when the peoples drop me off at shelter on a counta I all ways bolt inside durin thunderstorm, and they can't stand it any more.

I was in shelter for 8 monfs. Peoples there loved me so much they shuffled me round to keep me from the big nap. And then finally... they contact the Golden Retriever of Houston (hundreds of miles away) and they come get me and wifin two weeks...

I have new life with new the Mom and also BLOG! It do not get better than that! Just sayin.

Speakin of the blog, I can't wait to read more of the yours!

wif love from the Luke

Bella and Ollie said...

It's a great prize, I'd love to have one !
I'm glad to be your friend - what I love about blogging is all the new friends I make.
Love, Bella.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Hi Booker!! Thanks for stopping by our bloggie!! We'd love to be Southern pups with you guys!!

We started our blog, because we have so much fun within our BIG family!!! There are 8 of us doggies in all. We were all rescued by Moms and Dad. We also like to promote shelter adoption there too.

That's a great giveaway you got going there. GABE is fabulous isn't it?

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Taffy said...

Nice to meet ya! Great item for the giveaway.
Well, Mom and I started blogging because a friend of Mom's had started a blog and kept asking Mom to start one. Mom was like, "What am I gonna blog about? Twix?" And, A Wiener Dog Blog was born! We love blogging because we get to meet so many furiends and it always makes us smile.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Wowzer! Very pretty collars there. Of course the best thing about GABE be all the new friends I meeting!
~lickies, Ludo


Booker and Asa-
OMD you guys are totes cute. You giveaway looks super pawesome. I've got one going on too so please stop by and check it out.
Also, Booker, I get the hairy eyeball all the time. I feel your pain, dude.

Peace out!
--Stella spaz

Anonymous said...

Woof the Words to all pet parents and their friends ...

**** "Adopt, don't Shop!!!" ****

Rescue a canine companion, and help stop puppy mills in the USA!!!

Anonymous said...

OREO (my Akita rescue) would sure like to win a fancy new collar for her Birthday this month!!!

Unknown said...

Those collars are so cute! I is soo nice to meet you Booker!

the booker man said...

hihi, oreo's mama! thanks for comin' by my bloggie to visit! miss twinkie's GABE is so awesome for meeting new friendz! i am followin' your bloggie now. :)
the booker man

Golden Samantha said...

Holy flower collarmania Booker Man! I am just so glad to meet ya and happy you came over to introduce yourself! You sure are adorable and I love your friend's work - wow - TALENT!!! I started a blog because my secretary began one that was furry boring and she opted out of that one. Then she got the bright idea that Ozzie and I might have sumpin to say that was actually interestin'! I came to love bloggin' cause we all like to share the good times with each other and find out summa the good ways to deal with tough times. Furanimals seem to knows how to help each other deal with so many situations bettah than hoomans, right? Anyway, we are so wag-tail happy to check out your blog and begin to get to know you! And since we are both girlie girls, have fallen in love with those pawsome collars! Thanks again fur stoppin' by!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Oz

Ruby and Penny said...

Woof Woof, we would love to win a new collar.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - to read about why we started blogging go to http://agenuineruby.blogspot.com/2009/07/one-year-ago-today.html

Oskar said...

What a cool prize, Booker!

I decided to start a blog as a way to keep my mom person busy when she was having some bad sickie times! My favoritest thing about blogging is all the amazing, cool friends we have made all over the world.

Please stop by my blog and enter my GABE giveaway!

Piappies World said...

Hi there Mr. Bookerman!

Greetings! We are happy to meet you. The collars are so pretty and cool. We would love to have one of them. We are also actively participating in GABE and we invite you to get the chance to have our gift.

We are also hoping we can be friends. GABE is so much fun.

We also visited Mayzie and we hope you have been able to push through with date night. *hearts*

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Bookerman. Fellow GABE participant ... it sure is a wonderful event. COOL Collars ou are giving away. LOVE it! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar