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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

doggie swap!

so my totally awesome friend, miss sprinkles, hosts a doggone doggie swap every year, and this year, me 'n asa got to join in on the funsies!  we also got to meet new friendz, which is always super duper cool!  our doggie swap pals were miss blanche the boxer 'n miss ta'killa the chihuahua, along with their daddy, mr. meeko.

i knew right away this pressie was for me 'n asa cuz of the doggie swap picture!
miss blanche 'n miss ta'killa pawed us a letter with their picture!
mega spiffy pressies!!!

miss blanche 'n miss ta'killa really know what a doggie likes!  they sent four baggies of treatsies, a pink rope toy and a hooge rawhide bone for asa, and a blue rope toy and an air kong squeaker toy for me!  can you woof JACKPOT??  teeheehee!!
thankies miss sprinkles for hostin' and organizin' your totally fab doggie swap, and thankies miss blanche 'n miss ta'killa for being our doggie swap pals!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

mr. pip: little dude, hooge heart!

back in may, my way handsome 'n debonair friend, mr. pip, celebrated his very first blogaversary!

work it, mr. pip!!  (photo borrowed from mr. pip's blog.)

he had a funsies contest where everybuddy had to try and guess the answers to questions about himself and his pack.  well, i was a total lucky ducky and won that contest!  now we all know that mr. pip 'n his mama are very much full of the kindnesses.  they donated like 50 gazillion green papers to the joplin humane society to help all the doggies 'n kitties who had lost their homes 'n stuff from those very scary tornadoes.  even though mr. pip 'n his mama had made that hooge donation, they still sent me a surprise pressie -- zuke's lamb jerky and an air kong football!

can you tell that i'm totally full of the excitements?  teehee.

thankies, mr. pip!  you 'n your mama are very much sweet, and it's an honorfication to be your friend!!