even if it is too late, i'm totally gonna wish everybuddy a super happy new year anyway!! i'm kinda full of the embarassments that this post is so late-ish cuz i meant to paw a post like 50 gazillion days ago...but i'm guessin' my informational title alerted ya'll to the fact that my mama wasn't able to help me with bloggin' this week. actually, she was kinda wishin' she could have mashed the fast forward button for this week.
anywho, before i get to mama's woes, i wanted to go all the way back to christmas and recap all the awesome sauce excitements that happened since then! first, it snowed on christmas here in south carolina!! well, actually it started snowin' just before midnight on christmas, so it really snowed the day after christmas. i just wanted to woof that it snowed on christmas, though. teehee. we got like 3 inches of snow, which was super duper funsies!
so then a few days after it snowed, mama and daddy packed up the car, and we drove to the way far away land of virginia to visit grampy and grammy! here we are road trippin'! (sorry it's an icky camera phone pic.)
asa likes to scoot up as far as she can between mama and daddy. heehee.
my grampy and grammy have the bestest house evarrr! for starters, the whole back of the house is windows, windows, windows! you can do nose art to your heart's content! also, their house is sorta in the woods and next to a pond, so you can watch all the deers and birdies and bunnies all day long!
asa woofed that she would help me watch for the deers 'n stuff, but i kept catchin' her snoozin' on the job. hmmph.
the other super cool thingie about grampy and grammy's house is that they have mega stairs! me 'n asa don't have stairs at our house, but boy howdy, do we love doin' zoomies up 'n down stairs! mama tried to get a picture of us, but you know how she is with those action shots. heehee. this was the best she could do:
by the way, do you like our festive christmas toe cap thingies? we didn't wanna scratch up grampy and grammy's nice wood floors. asa got red toe caps and mine are green 'n red striped! oh, and woofin' of festiveness, here's me by the christmas tree! i reeeeally liked the little lambies, but i was a very, very good boy and didn't try to nom on them one bit! mama was very proud of me!

we had a grrreat time visitin' grampy and grammy and were sad when we had to leave to come home...and that's when thingies started gettin' rough for mama. on the way home, her throat started hurtin' and gettin' scratchy...then she felt all headachey...then she started sneezin'...then she started coughin'. we knew it was curtains for the free world when she started blowin' out the green snots. it was official -- mama had a totally nasty head cold. ewwwww. unfortunately, since mama took off from work to go visit grampy and grammy (her daddy and mama), she couldn't call in sickies. that means mama had to work all this week feelin' really gross. she would come home from work and immediately take a hot shower and get in her jammies. daddy and asa went on lots of chicken noodle soup runs. as you know, i am totally a mama's boy, so it was my very serious mission to comfort mama and provide the endless snugglefications. we did lots of this all week:

now ya'll are pretty quick like, so i'm guessin' you saw the hooge bandage on my mama's finger and were all wonderin', "what's that??".
well, since mama had the sickies, she wasn't her normal self at all. on tuesday, she was at clinic preppin' a room for a minor surgery, and she somehow had a clumsy moment and dropped the surgical scissors she was holdin' and stabbed herself in the left index finger pretty bad like. fortunately, the scissors were sterile. my mama is totally a lucky ducky cuz she was able to get dermabond to seal her ouchie and didn't have to get stitches. (she's kinda a weenie about needles 'n stuff even though she sees it pretty much every day!) i wanted to show you mama's ouchie, but she said no cuz she didn't wanna gross anybuddy out.
the good news is that mama is feelin' the betterment finally, so she can help me with bloggin' again! hooray! we'll be makin' our way around everybuddy's bloggies this weekend and start gettin' caught up. we missed ya'll and can't wait to hear what's goin' on! pretty please let me know if we missed anythingie important!