greetings and salutations!
i have been pining to pen a blog post for near on a fortnight now. ah, it is glorious to be back!
today, i wish to conclude the "wisconsin report" that my little brother booker commenced. he is a fine historian, don't you agree? but i digress. allow me a moment to rummage through the wisconsin photograph file as i have several fine specimens for your perusal.
shall we begin? as you may have surmised, a sojourn in wisconsin would be most remiss without a visit to a dairy farm. my mom and dad had the opportunity to visit a dairy farm housing roughly 3000 bovine.
my mom in front of one of the open-air bovine shelters |
the vast majority of the bovines at this dairy farm were of the holstein variety. holstein possess quite distinctive markings of black and white. holstein are also capable of outstanding milk production.
a fine specimen of a holstein |
my mom and dad were also presented with the unique opportunity to visit a cranberry farm. wisconsin is the leading producer of cranberries in the united states, with more than half of the united states' production of the fruit. below is one of numerous cranberry beds at the farm. upon closer inspection, you will note the cranberry fruit beginning to deepen into it's highly distinguishable crimson shade.
it is a common misconception that cranberry beds remain flooded during the entire span of the fruit's growth and harvest. however, during the growing season, cranberry beds are irrigated regularly via moats. the cranberry beds are not flooded until the autumn when the harvest is scheduled to take place. in wisconsin, the cranberry harvest occurs in october.
now as much as i, asa, relish a superb educational feature, i do realize that some of my fellow comrades delight in slightly more entertaining fare. as such, i will not leave you empty pawed, for it just so happens that my mom and dad were able to attend the green bay packers' training camp. aye, my parents are indeed "cheeseheads".
quarterback aaron rodgers (#12) in discussion with the quarterbacks coach. |
executing a perfect play |
get to the huddle! |
extreme precision |
why, yes indeed, that is donald driver! |
witnessing the packers' training camp was most awe inspiring, but then as my mom and dad exited the practice field, they made the acquaintance of a precious brindle english bull dog puppy named judge. judge was the tender age of 14 weeks. i have no doubt that he shall grow into a fine gentleman!
and with that, i have summed up the highlights of my parents' wisconsin trip. i trust that you have found this review satisfactory. do have yourselves a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
good day!